Thursday, December 23, 2010

School Dances and the Jolly Season!

It's been a while.

I'm back, and happy to announce that I've attended my first dance. Yes, like I actually went up to a PERSON OF OPPOSITE GENDER and asked them to a dance! I know, I know, and I would like to give myself a pat of appreciation on the back. Haha. Honestly, it's been like two weeks after the whole dance, and I'm still taking it all in. The whole thing is just a blur. I went to the mall, and located the group. We split into teams for our day activity, which was a scavenger hunt where we'd take pictures of whatever was on the list (ex: team members doing yoga poses in front of a yoga store, a red lipstick). Which was extremely entertaining and fun. Afterwards, everyone gathered to walk to our restaurant, an italian l'restorante in fact, very exquistite looking. Outside, a band was performing on the streets, and fake snow fluttered down. Absolutely breath-taking.

So now it's winter break, and I have work shifts and parties to attend to, and let's not forget, presents i have to go shop for/make! I should really start adding cards along with the presents, I've discovered how much more meaningful just a nice little card adds to a gift.

Furthermore, I want to actually go to the cinema and watch a movie. Not just any movie, but a good movie. Since it's holiday season, I'd prefer something light-hearted, like Tangled. It doesn't really matter if it's like, kiddy, or Disney, I just want something that can sooth all those grades-related stress, and not to mention the pain-inducing SATS.

Happy holidays everyone! (: My new years resolutions will be up pretty soon.

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