Sunday, September 19, 2010

Defining a Crush

So I'm definitely crushing on this guy (from post below). So here's my "definition" of my infatuation in context to this situation...

- you want to text him, but you don't want to sound a creeper, so you end up not texting
- your eyes scan the hallways for him whenever you come out of a classroom 
- just when your hopes are down, he walks by laughing with his friends and your eyes meet each others for a brief moment
- you try to talk to your friends enthusiastically in front of him so that it seems that you are having fun and not looking uninteresting
- you click on his fb profile a bunch of times whenever he's not on chat because you wonder if he's really on, but just not on chat
- you get all happy because he's finally texted you back, only to get "lol yeah"
- dreaming about him (yess I sure hope that's normal LOL)
- when your friend mentions his name with a teasing voice, you freeze, then realise she was talking about your guy friend with the same name

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