Friday, November 20, 2009

Birthday Invitation Woes, Binder Frenzy and Crinkly Tests

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Neil, what did we get??
Nah, actually it's all you guys' work!! omg haha this is amazing :)
*HIGH FIVE* Vidal!! Neil, omg asdfjkl;@$_haha NEIL, we're doing HIGH FIVES, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LOL..and dezso!! high five!!
oh god. I'm REALLY nervous for the test on monday now.
One of my favorite quotes is:
Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it.  - V (my health teacher)
Actaully not this exact quote. What changed myself the most was the explanation behind it. I'm thinking this quote everytime I'm feeling down or I'm bored and think that there's nothing interesting to do...
SO FIRST, upcoming tests to prepare for (TEST FRENZY!!):
  1. AP Chem retakes!! - 11/23 or 11/24
  2. Mental Health exam - 11/23
  3. HIAP 4 Unit exam - 11/23
  4. Ap World Era Exam (MC & CCOT Essay) - 11/24
  5. Ap Chinese vocab test - 11/24
yikes, another test maniac week (upcoming...)
I'll be having my party on Sunday...IMSOEXCITED! Weee!~
Guest list: yina, rixing, rino, kevin, serena, richard, manning
I know Rix, Rino, and Kevin are coming for certain, but Manning hasn't given me a reply yet, Richard said he might come EDIT: nvm, he has sat prep so he can't come, Yina thinks it's too far so her parent's might not drive her here (but my parents can give her a ride), and Serena said she'll probably only drop by but can't stay because of her church...
aww. ok, not so excited anymore...I just had a sad moment because so many people I've invited said they couldn't come because of the time (it's on sunday). Because I actually followed the "2 week" rule for sending out invites (learning my lesson from my friend ji, on my birthday two years ago)... and it still doesn't work T.T Sorry that I can't invite to my house, you guys, but it's still only once in my life where I will be having my 16th birthday party, so please try to come if you can?

That wasn't actually going to be apart of this entry at all, but now I forget the main point I was trying to get to xDD Always, always. I think I might have a slight OCD for checking fb and my mail... Because I"m seriously checking my hotmail so compulsively right now (and in recent weeks) - like actually re-clicking on the "Inbox" tab every a couple of seconds or so - to see if my friends have rsvp-ed me on my birthday invitation reminders... omgomg ocd-ness!!
And another thing is that I finally got around the time to go to Staples with my mom and get those sheet protectors for organizing my binder (I'm really inspired by youtube makeup guru, Kalel Cullen aka QueenBeeuty) :) See that? I'm probably a secret OCD...
"Parents are so excited about the first steps and words of their children, but then they spend the next 17 years telling them to sit down and shut up."
 - oh WOW this quote is so true and so ironic

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