Sunday, September 19, 2010

Defining a Crush

So I'm definitely crushing on this guy (from post below). So here's my "definition" of my infatuation in context to this situation...

- you want to text him, but you don't want to sound a creeper, so you end up not texting
- your eyes scan the hallways for him whenever you come out of a classroom 
- just when your hopes are down, he walks by laughing with his friends and your eyes meet each others for a brief moment
- you try to talk to your friends enthusiastically in front of him so that it seems that you are having fun and not looking uninteresting
- you click on his fb profile a bunch of times whenever he's not on chat because you wonder if he's really on, but just not on chat
- you get all happy because he's finally texted you back, only to get "lol yeah"
- dreaming about him (yess I sure hope that's normal LOL)
- when your friend mentions his name with a teasing voice, you freeze, then realise she was talking about your guy friend with the same name

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


For SATS, for AP testing, for everything school related!! It's only a couple weeks in, and already, I'm feeling the burden. Heavy, heavy, heavy.

Another thing is the hc dance. I've never been to these dances all these years of school and really kinda want to... I'm starting to facebook chat with this guy from my grade, and somehow I think I'm starting to actually like him too! I had liked someone else prior to chatting with him, but I don't know how I'm starting to fall for him too! Crazyy stuff. He's interesting to talk to and stuff, and he's starting to look a little bit..cute too. Yea, I'm grudgingly admitting to all this.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting Side Bangs?

Hey!! Long time no... post. Haha. Okay, so today's labor day, which means no school! :) I'm done, like DONE with procrastination, so this means that I've already finished my homework and studying two days prior. This is a major accomplishment for me personally, so I would like to congratulate myself with a round of applause (not the pat on the back kind of crap that they would tell grade school kids to do).
So with the beginning of the second week of the school year coming up, I might do a renovation with my hair, like attempting to cut a side bangs look, similar to the one Raelyni has kindly posted a tutorial for us. My bangs are growing really long now, and reaching the end of my chin, so I'll be considering a side bangs. Yes? Sounds good?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Needa Get Some Time for Drama!!

And you know what I mean by that. Asian drama baby.
Yes, in particular, korean comedy series My GF is a Gumiho. Everything about this drama says "refreshing and bubbly and entertaining". So I must must get some time over the weekend catching up on this gem. I'm even starting to warm up to Lee Seung Ki for just being in this drama. My view for him has changed a lot. Back in '09, I was grossed out when people mentioned his name in the same sentence with the words, 'sexy' or 'amazing'. I thought he resembled a chipmunck. Didn't like him. Now I kinda do from seeing a little bit of his 'cute' side in this role.

It's so fluffyyyy - Playful Kiss first impressions

Playful Kiss number one! I just saw the first episode! I like how the director made the show have almost the same cheery, uplifting vibe as the taiwanese version. Even the songs have similar 'nostalgicy' feel!
Also, I can't say enough good things about Jung So Min's acting as Oh Hani :) She's amazing. I like how she's kind of the person who grows on you in terms of looks and personality, just like Ariel Lin who portrayed the same heroine in the taiwanese version.
On a super shallow note though, I'm also in love with the cute girls' uniforms and Oh Hani's various hairdos (must try them out, note to self haha).

Hey! Short Post about School...

Some classes like marketing or us history, love it, some classes like calculus, hate it. And some classes that should've been good, but the choice of the teachers made it horrible. Yeah, school in a nutshell for this year. Oh, by the way, I got Photography class!! Yes to running around school taking pictures!

EDIT: It's third day already, and I found that I actually find calc okay, and same thing about english class. So far. I'm raising my hand a lot more now, and I'm proud of myself for that! Haha.

Cross Country was killing me off one day at a time, but it seems, I'm hesitating while I say this - I think it's okay. At least the freeway loop (approx 3 miles) seems pretty typical now, like I'm not totally out of breath or anything. And I've learned to pace myself (this is from a girl who can only sprint, not jog)... what I do is I would have my eyes on the ground in front of me, and then count numbers starting from 1 to 1000. It really works, and completely takes out the feeling of my legs that can't go further anymore. Really helps.