Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting Side Bangs?

Hey!! Long time no... post. Haha. Okay, so today's labor day, which means no school! :) I'm done, like DONE with procrastination, so this means that I've already finished my homework and studying two days prior. This is a major accomplishment for me personally, so I would like to congratulate myself with a round of applause (not the pat on the back kind of crap that they would tell grade school kids to do).
So with the beginning of the second week of the school year coming up, I might do a renovation with my hair, like attempting to cut a side bangs look, similar to the one Raelyni has kindly posted a tutorial for us. My bangs are growing really long now, and reaching the end of my chin, so I'll be considering a side bangs. Yes? Sounds good?

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