Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hey! Short Post about School...

Some classes like marketing or us history, love it, some classes like calculus, hate it. And some classes that should've been good, but the choice of the teachers made it horrible. Yeah, school in a nutshell for this year. Oh, by the way, I got Photography class!! Yes to running around school taking pictures!

EDIT: It's third day already, and I found that I actually find calc okay, and same thing about english class. So far. I'm raising my hand a lot more now, and I'm proud of myself for that! Haha.

Cross Country was killing me off one day at a time, but it seems, I'm hesitating while I say this - I think it's okay. At least the freeway loop (approx 3 miles) seems pretty typical now, like I'm not totally out of breath or anything. And I've learned to pace myself (this is from a girl who can only sprint, not jog)... what I do is I would have my eyes on the ground in front of me, and then count numbers starting from 1 to 1000. It really works, and completely takes out the feeling of my legs that can't go further anymore. Really helps.

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