Thursday, January 14, 2010

BANDAGE film with Akanishi Jin and Kitano Kii

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
I'm too lazy to be typing new dialogue todayy..sorry for those who've enjoyed reading them :) lol

Anyways, this morning, I got up early like usual (a habit starting from last week), and opened up my internet - finding, sort of by chance, a new movie Akanishi Jin is in!! And that the movie, BANDAGE, is showing in japanese movies in like 2 days!! WOO~ The title though, sounds FUNNY... but I can see why they chose that title (if you look at the movie synopsis, you'll know what I mean). But still.
Oh yeah, and I love how Jin is showing his sexy side of him now, like I mean in dramas and such, he always acts so bad boy, but never 'bad boy + sexy' haha but it's the true Akanishi now. lol.
And Kitano Kii!! Yay! I loved her in Homeroom on the Beachside and she's really cute in it. But I guess it's kind of hard to adjust to watching her with Jin after seeing so many times of her with Masaki Okada (that dude's alwaayys in a pairing with her)... for example, in the jmovie Halfway (which I've only seen the trailer to, but it looked adorably romantic)...
I should probably finish up my Synthesis of Alum lab and TOKYO DOGS drama right? haha tokyo dogs ilu even though it's still a little violent for my tastes :D
EDITL: arghh. what. The volunteering thing was on saturday - not SUNDAY?? But that's definitely what I read on the sheet when I signed up... HOW WHAT WHY O.O Plus, this saturday in chinese school is a really important week too... :( Now what do I do?

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