Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day Back To School!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Not bad, not bad at all... :)
We had many many new seating changes - for English, Ap Chinese, and French classes. And honestly, I'm pretty cool with it. My new english class seat was a liiitttle awkward, but ehh, could have been worse. Only thing I didn't like was that I got moved to the front; well front-ish because I've always sat in the row behind the people sitting on the side of the classroom. Bad news, I can never get to class tardy again and sneak into my seat without the teacher finding out. :P In Ap Chinese, awww STILL not able to sit with my best besties, but since paul got switched to another seat (last min changes), I got to sit next to venecia (who I also sit together with, in health) haha funny stuff. And yina's behind me, kevin is somewhere to my left, and there's mark and connie in front. So I'm pretty much secured with smarties on all sides (in case I ever make a goof... but c'mon, it's THE chinese class, everyone does lol). We're only missing manning, jeanne and michael, or else we'd totally become undefeatable. XD In french, well, I've been moved ALL the way up front and center. Enough said. Today was pretty easy, finish up the movie Ma Vie En Rose, sharing our christmas presents/activities we did during break with the class, and getting back our french essaies. Something disturbing was that I was super close to the french teacher and saw that her fly was open. Awkward bc I couldn't have told her that in front of her face, so I didn't know what to do. But it bugged me that she was chattering happily and didn't even notice that kind of thing.

On a movie note, literally EVERYONE I've talked to so far today (first day back from vaca) have seen the new movie Avatar. And they all said it was totally AMAZING. What. The. Heck. I stubbornly refused to get swayed by these comments, but seriously - even people who love nothing but romantic-comedy like myself have fallen for this queer new film, with it's 'exceptional, never before seen technology'. What. I'm still not convinced. And how on earth can Avatar's grossing almost beat out how much the international phenomenon Titanic had once achieved? From what I've seen in the trailer, teh avatars look freaky and surreal... so why are people in love with it so much?? I'm confused... (but ppl who want to further make me weirded out...oh please. spare me the love).

All of a sudden, I DO want to become a doctor, if pursuing this career can earn me up-close seats to Yamapi. (lol, the inner-fangirl in me haha)
Yamapi Fan Report: read watchful21's entry at LJ!