Thursday, January 28, 2010

...UMM...idk what to write here today

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
sorry, too lazy to do quotes here... I know I haven't been doing this for a longg time but please bear with me :)
So we have the electives presentations tomorrow (friday) - which is awesome because I like to go visit and have a sneak peek at my classes I'm planning to take next year.

Oh, and I've probably never mentioned this, but this week was my first time taking the metro back from school! And you should know that I'm absolutely in love with the metrobuses in Beijing and I love taking them even though they are so crowded and you have to stand up/grab the pole all the time! I don't know, I just happen to have a liking for metrobuses in general... I mean, plus it's free because I have a student card, so free transportation + peaceful (most of the time) + cool xD (I'll bet most other ppl who are getting their licenses won't be saying that! ;P but somehow I just like metros more)...
I have a couple of mini-stories I want to share about my experience with metrobuses in Beijing.
I remember going on the smaller metros (where the windows had drapes over them) one time in the winter of 2002, and I was - guess what - EATING an almost-frozen-from-the-icy-weather dessert called "tanghulu". yaya I remininsce back to this experience a lot when I miss Beijing...that tanghulu was so yummy ;) Nothing beats a tanghulu in the middle of the winter! Except maybe zhajiangmian (black bean noodles) or cha shao buns (minced bbq pork buns) or a couple sticks of chinese sausage from a roadside vendor...
A seperate occasion in the same winter, we rode on one of those normal sized metros to Wangfujing shopping district, and I remember chewing on a pack of strawberry gum... and I had one hand gripped tightly in my dad's hands and my other arm looped onto the pole to stay steady. Anyways, I accidentally! - blew on my gum a little too had, the bubble had sprung out of my mouth and floated down like a parachute, but I made a nice save before it landed on one passenger's shoes! lol
A couple of years after that time, grandpa, haiyue and I were on one bus - we actually got seats this time! - and this school girl came in - only things in my head: omg how can I be like that... so fashionable...cutest accessories...prettiest face...perfect ponytail. yea, I'm just so into the 'modern beijingese' look. What? I can't help it if I see some perfect-milky-complexion girl who I might've looked like if I never left Beijing that fateful summer a dozen years ago for a state in the U.S. I ate increasingly unhealthy, developed temperamental issues over television, etc, and I didn't even know to use sunscreen - only starting to use some like 2 years ago!
Another metrobus story, this one is an unfortunate situation I ran into once: Grandma and I were riding to extend my passport (or something along the lines of being able to stay in beijing a little longer)...and this old man with a tall hat came in. I didn't realise that I was in one of those 'priority seats' and the bus was full, so I turned my face towards the window. All of a sudden, someone screamed in my right ear and I felt something slap my shoulders for a split second. It was that old man who just got on the bus. I was a little stunned at his sudden shouting and just froze in my seat while he lectured me about how rude I was, 'not politely giving up my seat for the elderly'; to which probably angered him even more - thinking that I was being defenant. I stood up stiffly and immediately apologized softly, "A, dui bu qi! Wo mei you kan dao ni", and sprung to the nearest pole to hold on while I stood and the man sat down. Fortunately, or unfortunately I should say (I still haven't made up my mind about this, but)... so my grandma, who was riding the bus alongside me, begin to defend me, saying "hey, lao tou (lol at this)... seeing how the priority seat is for the disabled, why are you, a mere 50-ish year old arguing over a seat with a minor? Plus, my grand-daughter just came back from America to visit me, so she doesn't really know anything about riding beijing city buses. Give her a break already!" - While I didn't like how the man didn't even nicely ask for my seat (which I would have graciously given it to him anyways)... but the last part that my grandma added about me gave me strange stares all thoughout the bus ride o.o She didn't have to say so, but now that all of that is over a long time ago, it's time to put it behind me..whew.

Now, with my increasingly failing memory (how old am I again? rofl. I'm so dramatic.)... I seem to only remember back to situations where food was involved. haha such as when my uncle biked to grandma's house (in building complexes) during one winter and got us freshly-cooked kfc drumsticks...mmm! I can still imagine the delicious aroma! Kfc drumsticks may be unhealthy, but they're greeeaat during almost-snowy days for sure! And don't forget the absolutely delectable birthday cakes Wei Yi bakery made!! And the snack stands where they have fridges stocked with various ice cream flavors. My current favorites? Taro-flavored ice cream bar, Da Hong Guo pops, and Meng Niu's yogurt pops! That sounds so good right now...

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