Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Older Women Younger Men drama recaps!!

OMGOSH. I love reading the recaps of Woman Who still Wants to Marry on Dramabeans. I'm so addicted to the recaps but I still haven't got the time to actually check out this series. Another reason why I haven't checked this drama out is because I can't find episodes of it. :(

Here's a list of all the older woman - dating - younger men dramas (mostly korean) that I've found pretty entertaining...there's actually a lot more that I would have thought!

* My Name Is Kim Sam Soon
* DalJa's Spring - I loved this one so much! It was sweet and funny, not awkward, and totally worth it's 22 episode run! I practically fell in love with all the characters here.
* My Queen
* Ohitorisama
* Woman Who Still Wants To Marry

Pretty detailed...even somehow accurate? But I disgress regarding Mars.

I don't know. I've tried to see mars, but I've always felt that it was too depressing and intense for my liking. I think I'll stick with romcoms, though I liked the questions the quiz made me consider! :)
Overall, this quiz is definitely one of the better quizzes out there though and definitely something new asian drama watchers should check out, FOSHO <3
Which asian drama would you like?
Your Result: Mars
This intense, beautiful story is perfect for your tastes. Not to mention, what would be better than two fantastic actors with great chemistry, who are a couple in real life?
Hana Kimi (Japan)
Devil Beside You
Tokyo Juliet
Smiling Pasta!
Hana Kimi (Taiwan)
Which asian drama would you like?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
@yesterday's H Mart meet&greet event with the Wonder Girls
The line was massive by 3pm, when the fanmeet was about to start. I walked all the way through the seemingly endless line of fans, to the OUTSIDE of the side door of the mall. Then I went back through the doorway to pick up my copy of the Nobody Rainstone remix single. Outside, endured rain + cold weather for over an hour, until the line finally inched forward and I was at the hooded shelter of the doorway. Meanwhile, I called up my friend, and we chatted while I was still in line outside. Apparently he wasn't going to stand in line for the wonder girls for hours, and he had to go somewhere later. But all in all, standing at such close proximity with my favorite korean girlband, the Wonder Girls, was pretty amazing... But security was so rude and one of them even grabbed my camera and commanded me to turn it off before I go past the line to the tables where the Wonder Girls were signing CDs. Bummer. But I shook hands with SoHee from WGs! loll

As my first time going to a fan meet (esp with one of my favorite girlbands)... this is something I will probably always remember. This is the first time I've experienced so many fans like myself clustered in long lines in excitement, waiting to shake hands with celebrities and getting cds signed. It just seemed so unreal how I actually met the same people who are all over the television in korea and created a huge asian craze with their song "Tell Me".

currently listening to : Kim Bum - Confession (Woman Who Still Wants To Get Married OST)
                                    just found out the original was actually sung by Kang Dong Wan!! yes, that cute dude from Too Beautiful To Lie and 1% of Everything!

EDIT: Been trying to watch God of Study with no avail... it just doesn't capture my interest despite the pretty korean students. I think I still love the original japanese version, Dragon Zakura more.

Dragon Zakura MV

God of Study MV

The Verdict?

I feel that DZ has more of a realistic tone to the story, and while both stories are both about a gangster-turned-lawyer who turns a group of 'bad' students into shoo-ins for a prestigious university; Dragon Zakura connects with me a lot more than the much more lighthearted/bubbly remake, which is God of Study. Also the fact that Abe Hiroshi gave more depth to his character than just strictness, you can really feel how much effort he's really put into changing the lives of the students. On the other hand, if you prefer just a light watch with little to no inspiration in terms of actually getting something out of the drama, then definitely go check out God Of Study. I do think that God of Study is more bright and cheerful, abeit a little corny and awkward at times.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mid-Winter Break! i'm actually a little depressed...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Melissa (the new girl in eng class) sat next to me in Love Fest today :D yay i want to be friends with her...hehe... she seems like a really cool person to hang out with lol
And speaking of Love Fest omg...
I love this year's Love Fest!! Last year's was mediocre and left me with a bad impression, but there were so many talented ppl with singing + guitars out on the 'stage' this year! And another plus was our class was actually made to sit in the very front, so even with my contact lenses trouble this morning, I could still see everything clearly since the performers were standing like ---->5 feet away.
And Anton from my chinese class went up to read too!! I was sooo surprised o.o but he looks so so cool up there! Like the first part was pretty corny 'love is like fire, etc' but from a quarter of the song/poem in, it had my full attention lol. I remember Anton last year as a dry humor abeit awkward guy... but today after his poem, I feel like I totally see him in a new light now. The way the guitar instrumental fit so perfectly with the lyrics and awesome voice inflictions was just...amazing? XD Question of the day: Can you actually fall in love with someone because of a poem? (yes. I can't believe I'm saying this either)
Things done today:
*passed out homemade cookies for all my besties =)
*omgomg opening ceremony of WINTER OLYMPICS today in vancouver!! :( Seb got to go...take me along?
On another note, I'm getting extremely interested in The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry with Kim Bum and this rather pretty 30year old female lead... after reading Dramabeans in the recaps of course ;) Kim Bum from an angle (in episode 5 recap) looks like my crush Smiley! ooohh...yum. And this drama seems to be getting good reviews from viewers after all... which is awesome because I would like to see Kim Bum actually in a good drama in a while.

On a korean pop note, I now realise I have been aware of SNSD's new song "Oh!" that came out, but also that I've been delaying to see the music video for as long as possible since seeing it on my youtube subscriptions! So delay no more! :) And I found the song to be pretty light.fresh.catchy. Unlike Gee, which was annoying and was too much of a bubblegum song... And I'm liking the cheerleader outfits especially. And Yoona's hairstyle. Gonna find out how to do those curls and make a tutorial on it! :) watch for it please!