Friday, February 12, 2010

Mid-Winter Break! i'm actually a little depressed...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Melissa (the new girl in eng class) sat next to me in Love Fest today :D yay i want to be friends with her...hehe... she seems like a really cool person to hang out with lol
And speaking of Love Fest omg...
I love this year's Love Fest!! Last year's was mediocre and left me with a bad impression, but there were so many talented ppl with singing + guitars out on the 'stage' this year! And another plus was our class was actually made to sit in the very front, so even with my contact lenses trouble this morning, I could still see everything clearly since the performers were standing like ---->5 feet away.
And Anton from my chinese class went up to read too!! I was sooo surprised o.o but he looks so so cool up there! Like the first part was pretty corny 'love is like fire, etc' but from a quarter of the song/poem in, it had my full attention lol. I remember Anton last year as a dry humor abeit awkward guy... but today after his poem, I feel like I totally see him in a new light now. The way the guitar instrumental fit so perfectly with the lyrics and awesome voice inflictions was just...amazing? XD Question of the day: Can you actually fall in love with someone because of a poem? (yes. I can't believe I'm saying this either)
Things done today:
*passed out homemade cookies for all my besties =)
*omgomg opening ceremony of WINTER OLYMPICS today in vancouver!! :( Seb got to go...take me along?
On another note, I'm getting extremely interested in The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry with Kim Bum and this rather pretty 30year old female lead... after reading Dramabeans in the recaps of course ;) Kim Bum from an angle (in episode 5 recap) looks like my crush Smiley! ooohh...yum. And this drama seems to be getting good reviews from viewers after all... which is awesome because I would like to see Kim Bum actually in a good drama in a while.

On a korean pop note, I now realise I have been aware of SNSD's new song "Oh!" that came out, but also that I've been delaying to see the music video for as long as possible since seeing it on my youtube subscriptions! So delay no more! :) And I found the song to be pretty light.fresh.catchy. Unlike Gee, which was annoying and was too much of a bubblegum song... And I'm liking the cheerleader outfits especially. And Yoona's hairstyle. Gonna find out how to do those curls and make a tutorial on it! :) watch for it please!

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