Sunday, February 14, 2010


Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
@yesterday's H Mart meet&greet event with the Wonder Girls
The line was massive by 3pm, when the fanmeet was about to start. I walked all the way through the seemingly endless line of fans, to the OUTSIDE of the side door of the mall. Then I went back through the doorway to pick up my copy of the Nobody Rainstone remix single. Outside, endured rain + cold weather for over an hour, until the line finally inched forward and I was at the hooded shelter of the doorway. Meanwhile, I called up my friend, and we chatted while I was still in line outside. Apparently he wasn't going to stand in line for the wonder girls for hours, and he had to go somewhere later. But all in all, standing at such close proximity with my favorite korean girlband, the Wonder Girls, was pretty amazing... But security was so rude and one of them even grabbed my camera and commanded me to turn it off before I go past the line to the tables where the Wonder Girls were signing CDs. Bummer. But I shook hands with SoHee from WGs! loll

As my first time going to a fan meet (esp with one of my favorite girlbands)... this is something I will probably always remember. This is the first time I've experienced so many fans like myself clustered in long lines in excitement, waiting to shake hands with celebrities and getting cds signed. It just seemed so unreal how I actually met the same people who are all over the television in korea and created a huge asian craze with their song "Tell Me".

currently listening to : Kim Bum - Confession (Woman Who Still Wants To Get Married OST)
                                    just found out the original was actually sung by Kang Dong Wan!! yes, that cute dude from Too Beautiful To Lie and 1% of Everything!

EDIT: Been trying to watch God of Study with no avail... it just doesn't capture my interest despite the pretty korean students. I think I still love the original japanese version, Dragon Zakura more.

Dragon Zakura MV

God of Study MV

The Verdict?

I feel that DZ has more of a realistic tone to the story, and while both stories are both about a gangster-turned-lawyer who turns a group of 'bad' students into shoo-ins for a prestigious university; Dragon Zakura connects with me a lot more than the much more lighthearted/bubbly remake, which is God of Study. Also the fact that Abe Hiroshi gave more depth to his character than just strictness, you can really feel how much effort he's really put into changing the lives of the students. On the other hand, if you prefer just a light watch with little to no inspiration in terms of actually getting something out of the drama, then definitely go check out God Of Study. I do think that God of Study is more bright and cheerful, abeit a little corny and awkward at times.

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