Saturday, January 30, 2010

Talented Young Actors Who Should Be Recognized!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
talented young actresses/actors in the asian drama industry today~ (my opinions)

Park Shin Hye - Heaven's Tree/Goong S/You're Beautiful
Moon Geun Young - Innocent Steps movie/
Aragaki Yui - Papa to Musume/Koizora movie/Dragon Zakura/
Keiko Kitagawa - Buzzer Beat
Jang Geun Suk - Hong Gil Dong/Hwang Ji Ni/You're Beautiful
Kim Bum - East of Eden/Boys Before Flowers
Okada Masaki -
Kim So Eun - Boys Before Flowers/
Yang Yang - Hong Lou Meng! okay. it may be too early to say that, but I will say he has def potential to be on this list...
Kitano Kii - Homeroom on the Beachside
Yoshitaka Yuriko - Love Shuffle/Tokyo DOGS/Homeroom on the Beachside

Shim Eun Kyung - Hwang Ji Ni
Shida Mirai - 14 Sai no Haha/Queen of the Classroom/Seigi no Mikata
Yoshida Riko - Kurosagi movie/Yamada Taro Monogatari
Fukuda Mayuko - Queen of the Classroom

and very young, adorable ones!

Xiao Xiao Bin - Autumn's Concerto
Ishii Momoka - My Girl

Friday, January 29, 2010

Electives for next year, and mysteriously beautiful cinematography..

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"omg min joo! you're taking ap econ too??"
"yea ;)"
comes over and sat on the empty chair beside her. all of a sudden..ppl just filled into classroom so quickkkly
ms. h praises ap econ and tries to persuade us to take her class next year...
and ppl just came streaming in...around 40+ in class by the middle of the presentation
new mvs and movie trailers that have amazed me:
Let You Go  - The Trax ft. Heechul & Victoria
Sayonara Itsuka movie trailer (omg the cinematographyy..the visuals!!)
I haven't had this much fun on a Friday in a long time! Today was the day of electives presentations (*where we go to 4 elective classes we choose, and get to hear 10 min 'introduction' to the class, kind of like previewing a class..which is amazing) - this year's elective classes I went to were like 1000x better than last year! I really wanted to include all of them into my class schedule for next school year...
First, I went to Ap Physics, then to Ap Photography, then Ap Econ, then finally, Knightlife (which is doign the school's newspaper. and our newspaper is very amazing, if I do say so myself). Like I've already said before, the presentations were absolutely very interesting... some highlights: the surprisingly not-intimidating (friendly) atmosphere of the ap physics room and the demo with the plates floating up from a metallic sphere xD... Ap photography was probably the class that impressed me the most. Not so much the teacher bc I think he was a bit on the awkward/reserved type - he barely promoted the class at all, and just contented himself with displaying blown-up pictures the past ap photo class took & edited - on his three computer monitors. And it became the only appropriate thing to do, it turned out, because I couldn't take my eyes of some of those gorgeously taken (esp edited) pictures..funny to see some of them too bc I recognized some of my chinese class ppl in a lot of them. Just. So. Gorgeous. I seriously fell in love. Sad that there were only like 9 people who participated in that session. Probably because the classroom is hidden from the rest of school lol. And Knightlife seems totally amazing too, but it's pretty competitive like how aspen was too. gah.
RAA-CQUET SPOORTTS. Omg, only 2 days into pickle ball and I'm seriously getting better and better in We're now doing groups of 9 and sort of in singles competition.. I won the first game by a close score, and lost my second game 10 to 11 :(  IT WAS A LUCKY SHOT. lol
Then, at lunch, I had a great time too =) lookin goood. With my fun fobby bag (it's not stupid fobby. it's CUTE fobby bc of it's plaid design^^)... and my rocking new nike shoes... I went to eat lunch with my bud rix, and then went to chinese room to seek advice from jeanne and the others about my conflicting schedules of almost all ap classes...but ended up with paul and a couple of other guys discussing it instead rofl when the girls went to get their textbooks routinely from their lockers (before class).
French... was interesting. Both my buds are missing (they both sit right in front of me too) from class, and we have a sub. So I spent most of the period sitting over with steph and rachel and working on the dialogue for our skit (i can't believe we're finally doing skits finally!).
In math class, what I thought was going to be one of the most boring ones, actually turned out great since we were doing probability (easy stuff relatively), and my tablemates and I were actually holding fun convos now =)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

...UMM...idk what to write here today

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
sorry, too lazy to do quotes here... I know I haven't been doing this for a longg time but please bear with me :)
So we have the electives presentations tomorrow (friday) - which is awesome because I like to go visit and have a sneak peek at my classes I'm planning to take next year.

Oh, and I've probably never mentioned this, but this week was my first time taking the metro back from school! And you should know that I'm absolutely in love with the metrobuses in Beijing and I love taking them even though they are so crowded and you have to stand up/grab the pole all the time! I don't know, I just happen to have a liking for metrobuses in general... I mean, plus it's free because I have a student card, so free transportation + peaceful (most of the time) + cool xD (I'll bet most other ppl who are getting their licenses won't be saying that! ;P but somehow I just like metros more)...
I have a couple of mini-stories I want to share about my experience with metrobuses in Beijing.
I remember going on the smaller metros (where the windows had drapes over them) one time in the winter of 2002, and I was - guess what - EATING an almost-frozen-from-the-icy-weather dessert called "tanghulu". yaya I remininsce back to this experience a lot when I miss Beijing...that tanghulu was so yummy ;) Nothing beats a tanghulu in the middle of the winter! Except maybe zhajiangmian (black bean noodles) or cha shao buns (minced bbq pork buns) or a couple sticks of chinese sausage from a roadside vendor...
A seperate occasion in the same winter, we rode on one of those normal sized metros to Wangfujing shopping district, and I remember chewing on a pack of strawberry gum... and I had one hand gripped tightly in my dad's hands and my other arm looped onto the pole to stay steady. Anyways, I accidentally! - blew on my gum a little too had, the bubble had sprung out of my mouth and floated down like a parachute, but I made a nice save before it landed on one passenger's shoes! lol
A couple of years after that time, grandpa, haiyue and I were on one bus - we actually got seats this time! - and this school girl came in - only things in my head: omg how can I be like that... so fashionable...cutest accessories...prettiest face...perfect ponytail. yea, I'm just so into the 'modern beijingese' look. What? I can't help it if I see some perfect-milky-complexion girl who I might've looked like if I never left Beijing that fateful summer a dozen years ago for a state in the U.S. I ate increasingly unhealthy, developed temperamental issues over television, etc, and I didn't even know to use sunscreen - only starting to use some like 2 years ago!
Another metrobus story, this one is an unfortunate situation I ran into once: Grandma and I were riding to extend my passport (or something along the lines of being able to stay in beijing a little longer)...and this old man with a tall hat came in. I didn't realise that I was in one of those 'priority seats' and the bus was full, so I turned my face towards the window. All of a sudden, someone screamed in my right ear and I felt something slap my shoulders for a split second. It was that old man who just got on the bus. I was a little stunned at his sudden shouting and just froze in my seat while he lectured me about how rude I was, 'not politely giving up my seat for the elderly'; to which probably angered him even more - thinking that I was being defenant. I stood up stiffly and immediately apologized softly, "A, dui bu qi! Wo mei you kan dao ni", and sprung to the nearest pole to hold on while I stood and the man sat down. Fortunately, or unfortunately I should say (I still haven't made up my mind about this, but)... so my grandma, who was riding the bus alongside me, begin to defend me, saying "hey, lao tou (lol at this)... seeing how the priority seat is for the disabled, why are you, a mere 50-ish year old arguing over a seat with a minor? Plus, my grand-daughter just came back from America to visit me, so she doesn't really know anything about riding beijing city buses. Give her a break already!" - While I didn't like how the man didn't even nicely ask for my seat (which I would have graciously given it to him anyways)... but the last part that my grandma added about me gave me strange stares all thoughout the bus ride o.o She didn't have to say so, but now that all of that is over a long time ago, it's time to put it behind me..whew.

Now, with my increasingly failing memory (how old am I again? rofl. I'm so dramatic.)... I seem to only remember back to situations where food was involved. haha such as when my uncle biked to grandma's house (in building complexes) during one winter and got us freshly-cooked kfc drumsticks...mmm! I can still imagine the delicious aroma! Kfc drumsticks may be unhealthy, but they're greeeaat during almost-snowy days for sure! And don't forget the absolutely delectable birthday cakes Wei Yi bakery made!! And the snack stands where they have fridges stocked with various ice cream flavors. My current favorites? Taro-flavored ice cream bar, Da Hong Guo pops, and Meng Niu's yogurt pops! That sounds so good right now...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Editing Softwares, Ulzzangs, and Racquet Sports rants...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
I just registered to and installed a number of editing systems/softwares the past couple of days...
Sony Vegas - the trial version of the famous pro video editing system, remember all those lovely Yamaki fanvideos jazky (YT) made?

Audacity - a fun fun audio blending device, it's a great program to do singing covers with! (of course you'll need to get a working microphone also...and installed sound device, which should come automatically with most computers)

LAME - you need this for turning your masterpiece cover into mp3 format apparently... - pretty easy and rudimentary edits, but at least you won't have to download another huge-sized file into your computer xD Nah.. actually maybe I'll just download that huge load of PS 7.0, the trial version... I appreciated how Adobe created a website for photoshop online, but how I see it, they should at least update the tools from it's 2.0-like current version...o.o
Ah whatever~
edit: actually the text portion of the picture-editing was great and I liked their text fonts (and text effects) had. Quite a fun experience, though I would still say to get the actual PS. Maybe I'll put that on my wishlist for xmas next year?? lol and Sony Vegas Pro, and and...idk, a 'professional' camera or video cam^^

So the semester begins! Racquet Sports is meh so far... we are playing "pickle ball", whatever you call that game of tennis that you use ping-pong paddles to play ;) Then moving on to badminton!! omg I so can't wait for badminton to start! I hope I will always love that sport <3 Like as much as I do now because it's just soo fun :D and I love being competitive when it comes to badminton. Tennis is sort-of meh for me as well because I haven't been constantly practicing (actually almost not at all! o.o) so I'm not so sure about trying out for tennis for spring sports now that I'll obviously will have tough competition against (plus I secretly want to just tryout for badminton instead for this year anyways...although tennis team does have amazing secret pals *presents exchange!* haha no that's not the only reason why I would want to tryout for tennis, but it's definitely a great incentive!). Teh only thing that's been stopping me from trying out for badminton is actually because I recently learned that you don't get any p.e. credit for being on the team! Wow, badminton apparently can't count as a sport at school huh.

I'm really into those neon colors now... like I've been sporting a bright lemon-colored scoop neck shirt for days now... it's really bright and cheery and I think it lightens up moods quite a lot too, so it's great to wear in gloomy weather (oh, the things I say to justify why I'm wearing the neon yellow shirt for 3 days in a row this week!).
 Take a look at this for inspiration! :)

And also also, I got new nike running shoes!! Yay~! (bc the only pair of wearable shoes I have in my collection is my pair of black uggs...and actually those are an Ugg dupe I got cheap from xhilaration..but they look almost exactly alike, so why bother get a pair for $$$ when you can get the cheaper one? Plus, nobody really notices anyways bc the brand name is teeny tiny...)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tomorrow Is BTS...New Semester!

Jenny, Juno
14 Sai no Haha
One is adorable, one is realistic, one is tragic; but I love them all. Jenny Juno offered a pure love associated within the story, and rather than truly focusing on the issue of teenage pregnacy, it made the female audience all want that caring and responsible (and so adorable!) boyfriend, Juno. But come on, it's a movie, and they aren't perfect - some are there to be fun and light-hearted so don't take this one seriously. And of course, I loved this movie. Greatly entertaining.

14 Sai no Haha, starring Shida Mirai, set a different tone to the same issue. It starts off innocent, with a spunky girl developing a relationship with a guy from her cram school. As the drama progresses, and the girl discovers her pregnancy, she realizes how cruel yet beautiful life can be. Ultimately, this naive girl matures and begans to take major responsibilites over her life, choosing not to abort her child. I think that this drama is amazing teaching material because it is life-altering, it's realistic, and it shows a young girl's struggles through a very difficult situation and her eventual perseverance.

Koizora. Now this movie isn't exactly realistic, but I loved how the main couple's relationship developed... phone calls over the course of one summer. (though of course this is not recommended, as phone calls with a stranger can be very dangerous...but on with the review lol) The tall and pretty Aragaki Yui is a plus. The story: one sad situation after another. But the scenes are totally gorgeous and the movie worth watching.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kpop Sensation Getting To Me

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
I'm getting more interested in korean bands more and more now...
See, last week, I started getting into KARA, whom I've seen back when I got into Kim Bum in the MKMF Dance Battle 2007.

I got into KARA as a result of their song Mister, in this post I made a couple days back. Now, I've finally (?) joined in on the bandwagon of SNSD, SS501, Super Junior, and f(x) - the latter of which my friend s mentioned the other day, also because my f-list re-introduced this band to me this morning.
And back to Super Junior - I honestly can't believe that I'ms tarting to like this group... it's all Seoul Song MV's fault! But that is a pretty clever marketing strategy for both super junior and snsd :)
Showcasing every individual in the group. Before, the main reason I had disinterest in the two groups was beceause they had too many members that you can't even distinguish one individual from another, which I don't like. I mean, Guess why I've always preferred solo singers to boybands or girlbands?
All the korean idol groups I've grown fond of XD

Wonder Girls - K, This part of this entry is going to be pretty long... Because Wonder Girls is my favorite (by far) korean girl group!!I've always preferred their 'cool girl' images, their dance songs that make you really want to just bounce off your chair and hit the dance floor. Counting all of their songs I've listened to; Irony, Nobody, Tell Me, and So Hot....the ones that don't have as catchy songs have great music videos to make up for that lacking. An example would be their debut song "Irony". Their best song so far imo is between "Tell Me" and "So Hot". Here's the analysis; "Tell Me" got me into this group, and the dance that came along with the song is one of my absolute favorites to-date (not counting

FT Island - Because of the drama, You're Beautiful. Of course. Then, I googled 'Best Asian MVs of 2009' and got FT Island's "I Hope" as one of the results, so I checked it out, and I liked the mv - especially Lee Hong Ki's voice when he sings! But I will forever think of him as the adorable Jeremy in YB. :D
Kara - From a fan parody that got controversy when some British gossip site publicised it. And it was that video of Kara performing "Mister" on a soccer field... so I youtubed the song and feel in love with Kara's songs ever since... Individuals that got me into the group were probably the leader Park Gyuri and Goo Hara (the latter is often praised as having a dolly face that surpasses WG's Soo Hee).

SNSD - So last year, I've begun venturing into some kpop, and knew about snsd and wondergirls already... But I had to check out and judge which group I really wanted to listen to korean music from, so I found this one video where they had a singing battle between the two groups, and I decided that wonder girls were cooler (snsd was a little too girly and bubbly for my tastes). So I didn't really pay attention to SNSD much this year, even "Gee" didn't fair very well for me. But once, I saw an introduction to all the members of snsd; 3 I've already know about - Tae Yeon (bc of her song in Hong Gil Dong), Seohyun, and Yoonha (bc I disliked her at that time). And then, a post about Jessica vs Tiffany... with my conclusion that I liked Jessica more, but we are all entitled to our opinions of course :) And then, I relistened to Gee, and thought it wasn't so bad after all, but I did like their song "Genie" a lot.

2NE1 - Bubbi introduced them to me! She did a makeup tutorial inspired by Park Bom in the group, and she had on 2NE1's song "In the Club" in the bakground - which she mentioned was her favorite from the group, so I went ahead and checked the song out, and I fell in love with them also! Plus the fact that Park Bom looks awesome, and Sandara Park, whom I know from the "Kiss" mv with Lee Min Ho. Now, I'm kinda into "I Don't Care", which I actually didn't like the first time I heard it, but someone did a great cover to the song, and it's stuck in my head now :P

SS501 - Introduced to this group as a result of Boys Before Flowers, and they sung "Because I'm Stupid", which was equivalent to "Promise" of You're Beautiful (these two songs are what got me into the dramas, respectively) although all the songs in You're Beautiful are the best ones I've ever heard in a drama ost, but that's besides the point.. I'm liking their catchy new song, "Love Like This".
Super Junior - Love Han Geng, though never knew about him much. (SJ M) Love SJ's maknae (youngest member) Hyun Kyun :)) He's so hott, I remember never knowing his name until he went on that show with all the kid geniuses, but I've always liked him at the few SJ M promos, and loved him in the Seoul Song MV with Seohyun (the maknae of snsd)...their story was the cutest...the story was almost like a parody to one scene in My Love Patzzi with Jang Nara. Currently, their mv "Super Girl" has caught my attention for some reason haha..Hang Geng and Jessica? Yes yes.

f(x) - I'm still pretty meh with them, but I'm definitely growing interested in the group! update: and I might have just seen something that will change my mind about them (as in, like them even more!)! :D

Individuals I like from the korean idol groups: Hyunkyun (SuJu), Min ho (SHINee), Jessica (SNSD), Yoona (SNSD), Tae Yeon (SNSD), Junsu (DBSK), Seohyun (SNSD), Han Geng (SuJu M), Sunny (Wonder Girls), Soo Hee (Wonder Girls), Goo Hara (Kara), Sandara Park (2NE1), Park Gyuri (Kara), and Lee Hong Ki (FT Island).
*** Recording new covers for korean songs (for the 1st time)!
I have Without Words and Broke Up Today done right now... just need to do some editing...

Friday, January 15, 2010

I Don't Care re re re re re... finals next week. Let's get it over with.

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
AHH FINALS ARE NEXT WEEK! Very busy. I just came back from a ho's house with venny, making taco things for the health final. YUM.
It's Friday, so I'm listening to some music, oh I almost forgot, my ap chem friend s started humming 'I Don't Care" by 2NE1, and it's carazy stuck in my head now! I didn't even pay attention to that song much because I liked "Into The Club" better and because it sounded just like another random dance song... But I think I'm going to do a cover on this song so that I won't have it in my head anymore - always works charms :D
OMG TODAY STUPIDDD I JUST FIND OUT WE ACTUALLY HAD TO TYPE THE ALUM LAB UP AFTER LIKE 2 MONTHS FROM WHEN WE BEGAN THE LAB (like 3-6 pages)... omg everyone laughed at me because I didn't know :( And currently, my chem grade is my worst already. Wan Le.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Essay For English - Definitely Sounds Awk, But How to Correct it?


Teacher's Name


14 January 2010

Television Dominance In Adolescents' Social Tendencies

          At age 4, I came to the United States with my parents. While my dad was at work, my mom spent time in the house studying English or doing housework, so she had less time to look out for me. I was told to go watch some television so that she could have more time to finish her studying. Soon enough, my television watching became integrated into my daily routine. Ever since then, my once cheerful personality has been affected by the many hours of sitting on the couch, waiting for commercials to stop and for my favorite shows to begin. This, in turn, resulted in less interaction with peers because rather than hanging out with them playing tag, I would more likely use my free time watching new television series instead. Therefore, I had poor social skills compared to many of my peers who did not stay at home in front of the television for long periods of time. Despite that research has indicated that having a biological predisposition to a certain type of personality trait impacts the choices and friends one makes; an overwhelming number of studies have pointed out that large amounts of television shapes social skills far more than genes.

          A few studies have argued that some people are naturally popular and others are naturally shy because of their genetic makeup. One research trailed 90,115 teenagers in the United States relating to how genes contribute to social behavior. This research, led by Fowler and Christakis of University of San Diego and Harvard Medical School, showed that the "networks of identical twins (versus fraternal twins) were markedly more similar, indicating a stronger genetic influence" (Lafee). Although the study had claimed that "genetics put [some people as] the life of the party", while "others tend to float on the periphery[, like] social wallflowers"; instead of assimilating myself with American kids, I had distanced myself through television addiction at a young age (Lafee). If one had adopted a reclusive behavior through large amounts of media consumption as a kid, then social factors would have outweighed the possibility of genetics predetermining the child's personality.

          The overwhelming complexity of what actually influences the behavior of humans blurs the line between genetics and social environment factors, even so, social factors such as television often play a larger part in the influence. One study shows that genes influence...behaviors [like]...television viewing habits", a predetermined habit based on a special gene that controls the behavior (Guo, 43). This implies that certain people do have more of a tendency to become addicted to television, nevertheless, this is also determined through the amount of television watching that person as a child had been exposed to. Genetics is something that has a potential to influence a certain personality. but "enviromental conditions determine whether that potential will be realized"(Guo). In other words, certain genes that were supposed to affect one's personality, never will if he or she did not grow up in the ideal gene environment.

          Personalities developments often begins from a young age and changes from the amount of television exposure the child experiences. Researchers have found that by 2 years old, the brain of a child is growing rapidly and that they should not watch television, but instead should "interact with people from the real world for developing their physical and behavioral skills" (Anitei). It can be inferred that the social environment is still the key factor in the influence of a person's behavior. This is because if the person had been exposed to television at an older age, they will have less of a probability to become influenced by what they see on television, thus, becoming less affected in their overall personalities that would have happened due to early exposure to sex and violence, or just by spending the larger half of their day, deeply submerged in isolation through television-watching.

          As for whether the amount of television versus genetic disposition determine a person's social popularity more, the reasoning and studies have supported that the former is undoubtedly, the major cause. Few researchers have revealed that there are special genes in the brain that predetermines a person's personality behavior, whether extroverted, or introverted. Despite that evidence, a larger portion of researchers have argued that a person's genetic influences will only function given the right environment. Even as a few studies claim that genes are the major factors that make up a person's introverted personality, overwhelming amounts of research shows that media influences, especially from large amounts of television-watching from youth have been found to contribute to social inexperience. As of now, although society has always rejected the socially-inept, what will become of this society without mass consumption of television and the media?
Note: Thankfully this is due next monday because I don't feel right about this essay somehow o.o It's too awkward-sounding, long-winded, and even contradicting somehow??

BANDAGE film with Akanishi Jin and Kitano Kii

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
I'm too lazy to be typing new dialogue todayy..sorry for those who've enjoyed reading them :) lol

Anyways, this morning, I got up early like usual (a habit starting from last week), and opened up my internet - finding, sort of by chance, a new movie Akanishi Jin is in!! And that the movie, BANDAGE, is showing in japanese movies in like 2 days!! WOO~ The title though, sounds FUNNY... but I can see why they chose that title (if you look at the movie synopsis, you'll know what I mean). But still.
Oh yeah, and I love how Jin is showing his sexy side of him now, like I mean in dramas and such, he always acts so bad boy, but never 'bad boy + sexy' haha but it's the true Akanishi now. lol.
And Kitano Kii!! Yay! I loved her in Homeroom on the Beachside and she's really cute in it. But I guess it's kind of hard to adjust to watching her with Jin after seeing so many times of her with Masaki Okada (that dude's alwaayys in a pairing with her)... for example, in the jmovie Halfway (which I've only seen the trailer to, but it looked adorably romantic)...
I should probably finish up my Synthesis of Alum lab and TOKYO DOGS drama right? haha tokyo dogs ilu even though it's still a little violent for my tastes :D
EDITL: arghh. what. The volunteering thing was on saturday - not SUNDAY?? But that's definitely what I read on the sheet when I signed up... HOW WHAT WHY O.O Plus, this saturday in chinese school is a really important week too... :( Now what do I do?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hmm..almost Finals, and Busy week-end?

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...


V: Hey, for the health finale, we can go to bumbleberri's house!

B: I don't think so.. my parents wouldn't even let me celebrate my bday there!

V: but, I went to your house last time when we did the egg tarts...
B: NO...that was someone else's house LOL
V: ...oh. Then let's go to your house, a!
A: Yea, but I have robotics on saturaday...but it's ok, I'll just cancel it..
B: Yay, ok, so let's all go on friday after school, k?
V: Yea, k, so me and bumbleberri can cook, while, you, a, just uhh help us get materials
A: Sure. And then we can study for AP Chem!
B: Yay, AP Chem study group!! YAYA

A: so so bumbleberri!! It's almost 12, so can we start talking about dramas now?
B: no!!! We have to finish the french packet first!! Cuz I know I probably will be too lazy to do this at home :D
A: ok...fine.
B: Ok! hey amanda, it's 12! Now, we can talk about them and how much you loved coffee prince!'
A: No.. you go ahead and talk, I'll just listen.
B: ...
LOLL we totally rocked out (for lack of better words) at jes's house during our 'film project get-together'! XD A will be jealous of how much fun we had :)
So for lunch, we had cheese pizza, bowl of fresh strawberries, and orange juice...mmm!
Then we filmed the outside "intro" scene, where I (Ibn Battuta's mom) come out from the house and call him back home for dinner, while interrupting his self-obsessed monologue. Except it felt like zero degrees outdoors, and the icy sleet was making everyone shiver and squirmish. Nevertheless, the shoot was a success. I really hope m will edit these scenes well, because there was a lott of panning/zoom-ins, but I think that would only serve in making the film look unprofessional. Of course, I'm not the pro here, but when we went back to the house and we looked over the footage; everywhere I saw a mistake/too repetition, my brain mentally cut that part of the footage out and replaced it with the cinematography effects seen in most pro movies. Gahh.. maybe I should just NOT care about how this film is going to turn out editing-wise?? Because I can't control anything here - so I guess I'll just worrying about acting and maybe do all this 'directing' business when I'm actually making my own videos? I just have too much passion in making films arghhh. I feel like a nosybody and I must sound like a person who just everything to go her own way...but I can't help but criticise about the filming because I just want the movie to be amazing, I guess. I want people in my class to remember this movie, and smile, thinking about this, even after like years later. But you know those times where you feel powerless about something, but something is just burning inside you that you want to let out and show the world? Ok, that sounded really dumb, but I do think a lot of people can relate to that in one way or another.  
This week + weekend...
  • thursday - get plan test results, finish alum lab, finish ester lab, present in chinese 
  • Friday - turn in all math investigations, after school go to a ho's house with venecia for making the tacos, do hw for sat english + math...chinese school tmr
  • Saturday -  chinese school (the sat classes), finish aspen apps for v
  • Sunday - key club volunteering, go to kev's house for chinese movie filming, study for finals
  • Monday (MLK) -  study more for finals, finish apps if STILL haven't

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Random...? Wishing for next week to be over so mid-winter break starts!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
*sings* La lalalalala...La lalalalala...
MISTER!....MISTER!~ (Mister - KARA)
Butt dance lol... Goo Hara's waist is so tiny! :O

Synthesis of Alum?? Chapter 5 Review for health?? Finals soon?? asdfjkl;asdjfkl;
Can't I just get some rest time? Chinese New Years coming up!! And Code Blue second season airs tonight (sort-of, if you live in the states)... Aragaki Yui and Yamapi are lookin GOOOD together in the promos :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

KARA? I'm Already Sold! Count me as a new fan!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
amanda: BUMBLEBERRI. I am going to hurt you. XD
me: For what? What did I do?
amanda: You, and the others are seriously trying to asianify mehh!! I stayed up so late to watch two episodes of that drama.
me: XDDD Which one? Is it JIN?
amanda: nope!
me: ...omg. Did you watch... You're Beautiful?? ^^
amanda: yea, grr you. I watched until, omg you know, like the part where she's ontop of the truck and he chases after her??
me: o.o asdfjkl I LOVE THAT PART. It was so romantic, wasn't it? :))
amanda: well, eh, it was hilarious though. HAHA It was so funny when the guy found out she was a girl!!
me: LOL YEA. Like imagine going on the webcam to talk to your boss, only to see two girls sneakily entering the room and taking out the girl's fake balls. oh gawd. His expression was #$%@,
amanda: Oh, I know...Oh hey hey hey I have a question... so does the other guy find out about in the guys' locker room, cuz he threw a towel over her head and pushed her out..but does he KNOW??
me: Well you'll have to find out won't you...keep watching!! It gets more exciting!!
amanda: oh boy, whyy are you guys trying to ASIANIFYING MEE???
me: :)
I'm sort of tired for writing the dialogues so I'll stop there. And plus I have homework to finish. So there's that. i want to actually go to sleep earlyy today. Like the 10pm kind of 'early'. But I doubt I will :(.
It's hardd...
Now, about KARA.. I think I've first heard of them around the BBF craze. When I was looking for Kim Bum videos on YT, and there's him, sitting in the middle of that stage with girlbands all around him, he looked so giddy and aroused it's not even funny. Man, oh man, that sexy beast. XD
So anyways, about KARA, I didn't really find their music spectacular, and their thick makeup was kind of a turn off for potential fans. But seeing a parody of them performing "Mister" on a british taboid newspaper, I'm beginning to like them as a girl band. So far, the asian boy/ girl bands I'm a fan of...
Wonder Girls, S.H.E., NewS, SNSD, KARA, FIR, 2NE1, FT Island, etc

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day Back To School!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Not bad, not bad at all... :)
We had many many new seating changes - for English, Ap Chinese, and French classes. And honestly, I'm pretty cool with it. My new english class seat was a liiitttle awkward, but ehh, could have been worse. Only thing I didn't like was that I got moved to the front; well front-ish because I've always sat in the row behind the people sitting on the side of the classroom. Bad news, I can never get to class tardy again and sneak into my seat without the teacher finding out. :P In Ap Chinese, awww STILL not able to sit with my best besties, but since paul got switched to another seat (last min changes), I got to sit next to venecia (who I also sit together with, in health) haha funny stuff. And yina's behind me, kevin is somewhere to my left, and there's mark and connie in front. So I'm pretty much secured with smarties on all sides (in case I ever make a goof... but c'mon, it's THE chinese class, everyone does lol). We're only missing manning, jeanne and michael, or else we'd totally become undefeatable. XD In french, well, I've been moved ALL the way up front and center. Enough said. Today was pretty easy, finish up the movie Ma Vie En Rose, sharing our christmas presents/activities we did during break with the class, and getting back our french essaies. Something disturbing was that I was super close to the french teacher and saw that her fly was open. Awkward bc I couldn't have told her that in front of her face, so I didn't know what to do. But it bugged me that she was chattering happily and didn't even notice that kind of thing.

On a movie note, literally EVERYONE I've talked to so far today (first day back from vaca) have seen the new movie Avatar. And they all said it was totally AMAZING. What. The. Heck. I stubbornly refused to get swayed by these comments, but seriously - even people who love nothing but romantic-comedy like myself have fallen for this queer new film, with it's 'exceptional, never before seen technology'. What. I'm still not convinced. And how on earth can Avatar's grossing almost beat out how much the international phenomenon Titanic had once achieved? From what I've seen in the trailer, teh avatars look freaky and surreal... so why are people in love with it so much?? I'm confused... (but ppl who want to further make me weirded out...oh please. spare me the love).

All of a sudden, I DO want to become a doctor, if pursuing this career can earn me up-close seats to Yamapi. (lol, the inner-fangirl in me haha)
Yamapi Fan Report: read watchful21's entry at LJ!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bumbleberri's Covers On YouTube - BROADCASTED!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
MY VIDEOS WENT LIVE ON YOUTUBE TODAY! I'm officially doing covers for (mostly) asian songs - covering mainly mandarin, taiwanese, and japanese songs, but also attempting korean songs XD They are hard! ;) I'm still working on those on my microphone...
I really want to sing Younha's Broke Up Today!! I loved the music video and the song is very beautiful...
Ones I've Done Covers On:

Eternally - Utada Hikaru (Innocent Love OST)
I Love Him - Ding Dang (Autumn's Concerto OST)
我要的飞翔 - Xu Fei (Meteor Shower OST)
怎么忽然就成了这样 - Zhang Xin (Royal Tramp OST)

Upcoming Covers:

*雨愛 - Rainie Yang
*左边 - Rainie Yang
*Ai Mei - Rainie Yang
*Practical Joke - Ariel Lin
*Wo Zhi Neng Ai Ni - Peng Qing
*Yin Yin Zuo Tong
*伤感情 - A Baw
*最近还好吗 - S.H.E.
*Prisoner of Love - Utada Hikaru
*Hikari - ELISA
*Broke Up Today - Younha
*Bad Person - Baek Ji Young
*I Can't Forgive - Ock
*You and I - Park Bom
*Calling You - Seo In Kook
*Love Like This - SS501
*In The Club - 2NE1
*Do you Know - Someday
*Lucky - Ashily
*Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye
*Without Words - Park Shin Hye
*Goodbye - Jang Geun Suk

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finger Wave Style of the early 20th Century the KBS Awards!

ove the SBS Awards!! I just went to dramabeans and scrolled through all the pictures from the KBS and SBS awards, and sided with SBS in the end, without (too much) debate :)
There were so many suprising things to see - you get A.N.Jell (yes! the fake group from the drama You're Beautiful) reuniting to perform their song "Still" from the drama OST... all the korean shuai ge men strutting out their stuff (hint: Jang Geun Suk, Lee Hong Ki, Kim Bum, Jung Kyeo Woon)...and so much more <3

But more importantly, in this post, I just want to share a hairstyle that particularly caught my eye on Moon Geun Young...

Yes! The finger wave hairstyle of the 1920s-1930s! I haven't seen anyone in these awards to have sport this type of hairstyle, but nevertheless, Moon Geun Young looks really good in it! Love it! I'm totally going to try this one out tonight! =D
And okay, a video I really enjoyed watching today hehe a treat! douzo :)

Youtube it: Kyu Hyun and UEE vs Math Genius @ Star King show

I think I've found a new cutie XD how did the kids calculate those numbers so fast? O.O

Friday, January 1, 2010

Still In Hong Lou Meng Fantasy...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
And I have my sat math & english tomorrow...
Yep, I'm still eagerly following news of the coming Red Chamber Dream drama - the show is going to air at the time of Chinese New Year (CNY)! I'm super giddy because it was once rumored that the drama would broadcast by April of 2010, but that's too long for me to wait, so this is way better!!

And almost forgot haha, but HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010! <3
I hope this year will be an amazing year for everyone!
No more recession, more exciting movies/dramas, and a yes to going back to beijing during the summer!
Wee!~ Celebrated my papa's birthday yesterday and stayed up through midnight to welcome the new year!!
 Here's some...

of Hong Lou Meng of course!

omgasdfkjalfj I wish I was that girl. Yang yang so cuddly. XD

I'm going to post up a New Years entry later, running low on time, again. Because of parental controls LOL not because my asian parents are overprotective, but because of too-much-drama-addiction reasons (too much internet useage) I guess... ahh~ 15 more min...
I'm going to go over to dramabeans and read some of their entries fro the rest of the time, see ya until next post! =D