Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hmm..almost Finals, and Busy week-end?

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...


V: Hey, for the health finale, we can go to bumbleberri's house!

B: I don't think so.. my parents wouldn't even let me celebrate my bday there!

V: but, I went to your house last time when we did the egg tarts...
B: NO...that was someone else's house LOL
V: ...oh. Then let's go to your house, a!
A: Yea, but I have robotics on saturaday...but it's ok, I'll just cancel it..
B: Yay, ok, so let's all go on friday after school, k?
V: Yea, k, so me and bumbleberri can cook, while, you, a, just uhh help us get materials
A: Sure. And then we can study for AP Chem!
B: Yay, AP Chem study group!! YAYA

A: so so bumbleberri!! It's almost 12, so can we start talking about dramas now?
B: no!!! We have to finish the french packet first!! Cuz I know I probably will be too lazy to do this at home :D
A: ok...fine.
B: Ok! hey amanda, it's 12! Now, we can talk about them and how much you loved coffee prince!'
A: No.. you go ahead and talk, I'll just listen.
B: ...
LOLL we totally rocked out (for lack of better words) at jes's house during our 'film project get-together'! XD A will be jealous of how much fun we had :)
So for lunch, we had cheese pizza, bowl of fresh strawberries, and orange juice...mmm!
Then we filmed the outside "intro" scene, where I (Ibn Battuta's mom) come out from the house and call him back home for dinner, while interrupting his self-obsessed monologue. Except it felt like zero degrees outdoors, and the icy sleet was making everyone shiver and squirmish. Nevertheless, the shoot was a success. I really hope m will edit these scenes well, because there was a lott of panning/zoom-ins, but I think that would only serve in making the film look unprofessional. Of course, I'm not the pro here, but when we went back to the house and we looked over the footage; everywhere I saw a mistake/too repetition, my brain mentally cut that part of the footage out and replaced it with the cinematography effects seen in most pro movies. Gahh.. maybe I should just NOT care about how this film is going to turn out editing-wise?? Because I can't control anything here - so I guess I'll just worrying about acting and maybe do all this 'directing' business when I'm actually making my own videos? I just have too much passion in making films arghhh. I feel like a nosybody and I must sound like a person who just everything to go her own way...but I can't help but criticise about the filming because I just want the movie to be amazing, I guess. I want people in my class to remember this movie, and smile, thinking about this, even after like years later. But you know those times where you feel powerless about something, but something is just burning inside you that you want to let out and show the world? Ok, that sounded really dumb, but I do think a lot of people can relate to that in one way or another.  
This week + weekend...
  • thursday - get plan test results, finish alum lab, finish ester lab, present in chinese 
  • Friday - turn in all math investigations, after school go to a ho's house with venecia for making the tacos, do hw for sat english + math...chinese school tmr
  • Saturday -  chinese school (the sat classes), finish aspen apps for v
  • Sunday - key club volunteering, go to kev's house for chinese movie filming, study for finals
  • Monday (MLK) -  study more for finals, finish apps if STILL haven't

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