Friday, January 29, 2010

Electives for next year, and mysteriously beautiful cinematography..

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"omg min joo! you're taking ap econ too??"
"yea ;)"
comes over and sat on the empty chair beside her. all of a sudden..ppl just filled into classroom so quickkkly
ms. h praises ap econ and tries to persuade us to take her class next year...
and ppl just came streaming in...around 40+ in class by the middle of the presentation
new mvs and movie trailers that have amazed me:
Let You Go  - The Trax ft. Heechul & Victoria
Sayonara Itsuka movie trailer (omg the cinematographyy..the visuals!!)
I haven't had this much fun on a Friday in a long time! Today was the day of electives presentations (*where we go to 4 elective classes we choose, and get to hear 10 min 'introduction' to the class, kind of like previewing a class..which is amazing) - this year's elective classes I went to were like 1000x better than last year! I really wanted to include all of them into my class schedule for next school year...
First, I went to Ap Physics, then to Ap Photography, then Ap Econ, then finally, Knightlife (which is doign the school's newspaper. and our newspaper is very amazing, if I do say so myself). Like I've already said before, the presentations were absolutely very interesting... some highlights: the surprisingly not-intimidating (friendly) atmosphere of the ap physics room and the demo with the plates floating up from a metallic sphere xD... Ap photography was probably the class that impressed me the most. Not so much the teacher bc I think he was a bit on the awkward/reserved type - he barely promoted the class at all, and just contented himself with displaying blown-up pictures the past ap photo class took & edited - on his three computer monitors. And it became the only appropriate thing to do, it turned out, because I couldn't take my eyes of some of those gorgeously taken (esp edited) pictures..funny to see some of them too bc I recognized some of my chinese class ppl in a lot of them. Just. So. Gorgeous. I seriously fell in love. Sad that there were only like 9 people who participated in that session. Probably because the classroom is hidden from the rest of school lol. And Knightlife seems totally amazing too, but it's pretty competitive like how aspen was too. gah.
RAA-CQUET SPOORTTS. Omg, only 2 days into pickle ball and I'm seriously getting better and better in We're now doing groups of 9 and sort of in singles competition.. I won the first game by a close score, and lost my second game 10 to 11 :(  IT WAS A LUCKY SHOT. lol
Then, at lunch, I had a great time too =) lookin goood. With my fun fobby bag (it's not stupid fobby. it's CUTE fobby bc of it's plaid design^^)... and my rocking new nike shoes... I went to eat lunch with my bud rix, and then went to chinese room to seek advice from jeanne and the others about my conflicting schedules of almost all ap classes...but ended up with paul and a couple of other guys discussing it instead rofl when the girls went to get their textbooks routinely from their lockers (before class).
French... was interesting. Both my buds are missing (they both sit right in front of me too) from class, and we have a sub. So I spent most of the period sitting over with steph and rachel and working on the dialogue for our skit (i can't believe we're finally doing skits finally!).
In math class, what I thought was going to be one of the most boring ones, actually turned out great since we were doing probability (easy stuff relatively), and my tablemates and I were actually holding fun convos now =)

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