Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Quick Review: Always Smile, Unbeatable, and Oishii Man

Unbeatable - yes, yes it is.

To listen to this entry... Quick Review #1

Always Smile, with an idol cast including Jenny Zhang and Ming Dao should've been interesting and fun. The premise, especially after seeing the title and poster, should've indicated to a cheerful and light watch. Instead of enjoying the first 2 episodes, I found myself skimming
  through the episodes like flipping through a magazine catalog.
Five minutes was all it took to say - this series is disappointing and boring. Didn't capture my attention at all.
Next, let's talk about Oishii Man, which is a korean-japanese collab movie starring Lee Min Ki from Dal Ja's Spring. I'm usually really intrigued at hearing 'korean-japanese' collaborations because Virgin Snow and many other movies similarly have been instant favorites of mine. Unfortunately, the plot was too slow moving, and even Lee Min Ki's naturally engaging acting couldn't save this film. It's a terribly waste of 98 minutes if you are going to watch this. From beginning to end, there was hardly any plot. Definitely one of the most boring movies I've seen in a while. Not recommended.
Unbeatable, on the other hand, really caught me by surprise. No, really it did. I had been only aware that Peter Ho had a huge summer blockbuster drama this year, and that was Summer's Desire. But seeing that sohu has begun to stream this new drama full scale, I went to check it out. The beginning was great, with a fast moving pace. Just speaking on the aestics of this series, I would give an A+. As for my overall thought of Unbeatable so far... you call a series great if it didn't make me skip a single scene throughout an entire episode. Yes, meaning I watched the entire episode, not tempted to skip over any scene. Amazing ain't that? I like this series not because of Peter Ho, but because the camera work is really fast-moving, in a smooth way. I like it because the main girl is confident, cheerful, and likeable, but not in a cutesy way nor in a frustrating whiny way. Also, I like it because there are so many look-alikes - you can say they're pretty much unknowns if you're not familar with mainland actors - but seriously, I've already seen glimpses of Li Sheng, Huang Xiao Ming, Coco Jiang, and that girl from HXM's Anything for You music video, which is really cool. This drama gives off an immediately stylish, sleek, high fashion feel. So since this is getting quite long for a "quick review", I'll make a gist of what I've said up the above post.
Always Smile and Oishii Man =No good. Unbeatable will be worth your time. I'm very excited to watch the rest of this stylish series. It's almost like Dulala's Promotion, except even more chic. I would like to work in a public relations department or be a creative director at a big company, so this is also really inspirational. 

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