Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quick Review: HSDS 2009, Dwelling Narrowness, and Renting A Girlfriend

Since school is starting in less than a month's time, I decided to go ahead and do another one of these.

Intro - Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber 2009. I've seen the 2003 version with Alec Su and Alyssia Chia, so I'm going to compare them a little bit. In the 2009 version, you'll immediately notice 3 things: the backdrop visuals are absolutely stunning, CGI effects for the wuxia fighting have improved, and the story of Zhang Wu Ji is exactly the same as the 2003 version, even specific dialogues. The actors are arguably hotter, most scenes are less ambiguious to the viewer, but this series lack sincerity (and has bad acting), which I had no problems with the previous version. So unless you want to see a different set of actors preforming the same story all over again, I would skip this drama. Also, another thing I absolutely dislike from this version is how they distroyed the epic episode 17 fighting competition of the six sects.

Intro -  Dwelling Narrowness, I'm sure, was advertised as the next Struggle drama to sweep china. Unfortunately, silent, emotionless moments filled up most of the episodes, and the dialogues are sparsely placed, not witty at all. Even though we like how the show does reveal another part of china previously unrevealed in broadcasting series, one thing that really irritated me throughout was that strange, and somewhat haunting male narrator. Would not finish this series.

Intro - Renting a Girlfriend. In the beginning, I thought, wow this drama is quite boring and the guy in the glasses looks ugly, so I'm not going to be interested. Getting through episode one however, I found myself laughing my ass off at the failed blind dates the leads got themselves into. Conclusion... might be interesting, so I'll probably keep watching. By the way, is it just me, or does the girl lead look so korean, and the guy, if he takes off his glasses could possibly look like Deng Chao?!

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