Sunday, December 27, 2009

Drama Teaser, Hot Guys, and Analysis of a new Asian Wave Style

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
ahh.. I can't stop rewatching his scenes in Dream of the Red Chamber's newest trailer... he's so handsome.
Yang Yang <3

Ok. That picture didn't really do him justice. Have some more yang yang.

yes. he is the shorter guy in the last pic. (the other guy's like 193 cm though!) but adorable eh?

Current Obsessions:
Yang Yang
Chen Kun

Dal Ja's Spring. My Queen. Ohitorisama. What do these dramas have in common? One korean drama 2007, one taiwanese drama 2008, and one japanese drama 2009. All of them have the same exact concept. One 33-year old successful but lonely woman, meets and falls into the 'forbidden love' with a younger man who takes up many part-time jobs. Just with different titles and different languages. So is the oh dal ja story is becoming asia's new generation wave? Same with the story of Boys Over Flowers? We'll find out... :)

Btw, I'm replaying Zuo Bian for the 10th time already...

So It Was Rainie Who Sang That?

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...


Wow, can I just say It's a small world after all guys. I'm in love with this song called 左边 after listening to Mi Lai (wang luo dan) sing it in the drama Stuggle last year. And just re-listening to this song on YT with another singer sing it makes me love this song more...but when I try sogou-ing this (for download), the name "Rainie Yang" appears on my multiple searches. It is then, I realise that 左边 is actually one of her songs. Ironic, sort-of, since I'm also currently addicted to her song 雨爱 but never thought that 左边 was possible to be one of her songs. But I probably have seen the mv for it a while back without thinking too much of the song...

This is the first one I saw, Wang Luo Dan singing this in Fen Dou (Struggle)...

This is one sung by a contestant in mainland's SuperGirl's contest..

And THIS, is the original mv with rainie yang

Saturday, December 26, 2009

JPH!P Manlove Ranker - The Battle Between Who is the Hottest Guy

Japanese Actors
01. Tomohisa Yamashita 02. Haruma Miura 02. Narimiya Hiroki 02. Ikuta Toma 05. Jin Akanishi 06. Satoshi Tsumabuki 06. Ryo Nishikido 06. Shota Matsuda 09. Hiro Mizushima 10. Kazunari Ninomiya 11. Teppei Koike 11. Kenichi Matsuyama 11. Jun Matsumoto 11. Kazuya Kamenashi 11. Joe Odagiri 11. Takeshi Kaneshiro 17. Shinpei Takagi 17. Oguri Shun 17. Manpei Takagi 17. Takuya Kimura 17. Takahisa Masuda

There were only a limited number of choices, but they still got my faves down!! And it's definitely better than their choices for mainland actors... so I quite like my result!

Korean Actors

01. Kim Bum 02. Lee Min Ho 02. Lee Junki 04. Kim Hyun Joong 04. Rain 06. Kim Jae Wook 06. Gong Yoo 08. TOP

hmm...the first ones are pretty accurate, but I would have liked it if they added in Jang Geun Suk and Lee Wan...
And, this one is my result for...
Asian (so includes all the jap, korean, chinese actors/singers up for battle..of the looks)

01. Kim Bum 01. Tomohisa Yamashita 03. Kim Junsu 03. Lee Junki 03. Ikuta Toma 06. Narimiya Hiroki 07. Haruma Miura 07. Shota Matsuda 09. Jin Akanishi 10. Satoshi Tsumabuki 11. Kim Jaejoong 12. Choi Minho 12. Shinpei Takagi 14. Lee Hom Wang 15. Lee Min Ho 16. Yuya Tegoshi 17. Ryo Nishikido 18. Kim Hyun Joong 19. Kazunari Ninomiya 20. G-Dragon 21. Hiro Mizushima 22. Lee Dong Hae 23. Daesung 23. Key 23. Tablo 23. Show Lou 27. Teppei Koike 28. TOP 28. Ken Leung 28. Joe Odagiri 28. Gong Yoo 32. Choikang Changmin 32. Rain 32. Takeshi Kaneshiro 32. John Cho 32. Kim Jae Wook 32. Chen Chang 32. Choi Siwon 32. Mike He 32. Taeyang 32. Takahisa Masuda 32. Mario Maurer 32. DJ Tukutz 32. Eiji Wentz 32. Jun Matsumoto 32. Crown J 32. Mithra Jin 32. Andy Lau 32. Seungri 32. Oguri Shun 32. Andy Lee 32. Kenichi Matsuyama 32. Takuya Kimura 54. Jong Hyun 54. Ananda Everingham 54. Tony Leung 54. Jung Yunho 54. Ken Chu 54. Manpei Takagi 54. Kazuya Kamenashi 54. Park Yoochun 62. Jay Chou

Friday, December 25, 2009


Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
I had a really strange dream last night. I was in something like a nature obstacle course, everyone was on the way to an icy island someplace far away. Tigers, monsters, badass people were chasing after me and my mom shows me how to kill them/temporarily stun them with something that looked like Vaseline's Total Moisture Lotion. She told me to squirt a little bit in my palms and roll the gooey stuff into a small ball, and then throw it into the monster's eyes to blind/kill it off. It actually worked. But it was still a weird dream.
We had an okay Christmas Eve yesterday, with the bigger part of the day spent going shopping for gift wrap and food. We rented 2 videos from Safeway - after much debate - Click and Definitely, Maybe. My bro and I went upstairs and watched the latter movie amongst popcorn and chips dipped in salsa. YUM. And then we ate the coffee cake roll (special sale at 99 ranch!!) and took pictures of course!
All the presents were set up ready to go ~> for todayyyyy....
My bro and I actually planned to watch Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs on Christmas, only to see a poster of it in Wal-Mart, saying that it was out on January 5th (second day back to school). Great.
So everyone stayed up until 2am watching a couple episodes of 我的青春谁做主, because yes, we still love this drama despite the fact that we have finished the drama already (or rather, I have), but I love how the dialogue and characters still make me rofl and gotta love this show's all-around wittiness! But the episodes we ended up watching were the parts where Mai Dong finally gets out of jail and decides to sneak into Zhou Jing's company as a night guard (to take revenge)...oohh still gives me the shudders thinking that.. XD I'm such a scaredy cat.
Hey, now I'm thinking of posting a list of a couple movies that I consider "classics" or ones that I've seen too much of in my childhood in America (so basically these a my pasttime movies)

Speed, While You Were Sleeping, Some Like It Hot, Legally Blonde, Rush Hour (1, 2), Home Alone (1-3), Finding Nemo, A Little Princess 1986, She's The Man, Freaky Friday, Rat Race, The Day After Tomorrow, Super Size Me, Titanic, Whats the Worst That Can Happen, Heavenly Forest, 200lbs of Beauty, The Sound of Music, The Mask of Zorro, Set it Off
*in Bold, are the ones I really really like

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Boooring. Lips Sore, Teeth Hurts.

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
mom: Dentist appointment, bumbleberri!! Get ready.
me: OKK
after appointment...
me: arghhh mom, let's NOT get any more of my teeth repaired PLEASE.
The dentist nearly ripped both sides of my lips!! My lips were so numb by the time they fixed 3 of my teeth that I couldn't even say anything when they asked me if it hurt... :(
mom: See? That's why you should not keep on damaging them by eating sweets!
me: -.- Good thing I put on Vaseline.
Another boring day of at home time.
I'm finally getting some internet time now, but no JIN finale to watch... :(
I'm watching this movie with Ethan Ruan instead, called L.O.V.E. - what an original name.
But the premise is good...

And I also watched the trailer for Bodyguards and Assassins today too... Looks awesome, but a little more bloody than I would've liked... though Nic Tse and Fan Bing Bing are enough to make it up for me :)

Hey guys, I've actually jsut noticed how I prefer sadder, ballad songs over upbeat/cheerful songs - but at the same time, I prefer romantic-comedies to melodramas. Irony?

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Buddies and To Be Healthy That Is The Question...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Yesterday @ family friend's house...
gary: "'Davis, stop f***** piss me off"
me: (trying to keep things at a lighter tone) "Well, there's also an A word, a B word, a C word and D word"
everyone: HAHAHA
gary: Yup!...Wait, there's a C word? *thinks* OMG bumbleberri, that's perverted!~
me: what is?
gary: oh geez, you weren't freakin thinking about that right? c-u-n, you know..
me: ??? I was talking about 'crap'.
gary & claire: that's not a cuss word!
me: yea it is. :)
clover: I'm going to get my laptop.
me: You brought your LAPTOP along??
clover: haha yup. K, so what do you watch, bumbleberri?
clover and claire start talking about various animes including naruto...
clover: Ok, so which dramas do you watch?
me: Like all sorts. Mandarin, taiwanese, korean, jap...
Which kind do you want? Korean or Jap?
clover: mmm KOREAN
me: K...let's see... oh oh!! I know this realllly awesome one! You guys are going to like it. Wanna try it?
clover: K, (on youtube) tell me the name...
me: You're Beautiful. <3
clover & Claire: It's called 'you're beautiful'?? AHAHAHA
me: ^^
1 hour later, when gary and davis joins us...
gary: what are you girls watching?
ccc: You're Beautiful!!
gary: ?? ok. So can someone tell me what is going on...what is this story about?
me: oh it's blahblahblah
gary: ohhhh
gary: So who's the girl going to end up with..?
clover: guy :D
me: Nooo.. HE'S NOT GAY XD Tae-Kyung is hot.. :)
clover: Yes, he is!! Look, he's wearing earrings, and that's eyeliner on his eyes!!
me: -.- well, korean popstars are like that..
Today @ olive crest...
kevin: c'mon ben! Let's go get some burgers!
binham: hey wanna come?
me: nah. I have to go to a dentist appointment -.-
binham: k. *goes with kevin*
me: mm..i should go phone my dad..
3 minutes later - - -
me: binham, kevin, wait!!!
binham: lol getting more cookies??
me: mmm YUP. wait... of course not! These are for my bro.
Sorry, I'm low on time, so I'll blog quick here :)
So yesterday, REALLY surprising day, but very very fun too...
At noon, my parents announce that we were going to visit a family friend's house - I'm like... asdfjklajfdkj@!#$!% WHAT. REALLY NOW. How did I get to be the last one to find out and why didn't they tell me earlier?? So I spent the next hour flipping out because I haven't exactly been to any family friend's house in ovser a year. And because I'm just paranoid person. So I took a long needed shower and straightened me hair...and everything else blahblahblah. By 4pm, we've arrived at gary's house. And it's completely dark outside, but I can still see the amazing neighborhood and omg HUGE garages whoa. Anyways, my dad gave them a call, and we finally find their house. Me and davis goes in, and we see gary, the beijing girl (clover), and the 5th grader from the summer picnic (claire). Watching "Big Mama" or "Big Momma's House", something like that. Some American comedy with cross-dressing and involves Martin Lawerence. I get relieved temporarily from my paranoid because these were two other girls I actually knew, not some random strangers. Awesome! Then, the parents all usher us over to the chinese dishes. Which were ok. But I liked the ribs and the steamed shrimp (you can dip them in this cocktail sauce/ketchup..gary insisted it was cocktail, but ya never know hehe)
After 'dinner', if you could call it one, more like a potluck with a couple of dishes I was hesitant to try out... gary pulled a couple of his trademark no-one-finds-them-funny-except-himself jokes on us, then we all went upstairs and played table hockey. After table hockey, gary pulled out a board game called "Mouse Trap", and we took turns rolling the dice, until gary decided to get pissed off at claire, and didn't let her have her turn. But guess who won the game?? MEE :D First time haha!
Clover and I went down for a short fruit snack, and clover hops over to her mom, cheekily claiming to hear her say bad things behind her back. Then, we went back upstairs to go play on gary's xbox. He showed us a bunch of his gory games he liked, but we ended up choosing his Sonic game because it seemed less intimidating. So we took turns playing different characters, with me choosing the character 'Amy', who I got 7th place for :) We had a fun time with this, but went downstairs again, and gary and clover begin setting up a Xiang Qi board while claire, davis, and I watched unenthusiastically. Davis began pointing out a few moves quietly (since our grandma had previously taught him the game), and gary accidentally overheared, prompting him to frustratedly scold him. Davis started crying because of that, and hid behind my back - so I started cracking jokes to make him feel better and for the tension between gary and him to settle. Which worked - thankfully. Claire suggested that we play chess while gary and clover played Xiang Qi, and we did. Claire won. But it was exciting once we started playing Wu Zi Qi aka Wei Qi. I think I almost beat gary, who claimed to be pro at this game, except Clover brought out her laptop, and I went over to look at it - prompting gary to clean out my black pieces. So I just hung out with Clover and Claire, whom were pondering what to watch...(and it you scroll up to my quotes above this passage), We ended up watching the korean drama "You're Beautiful". <3
The girls definitely got hooked onto drama, but kind of mixed reactions from gary and davis. Gary was laughing along with us in all the funny parts, but I guess he's too stubborn to admit liking a 'chick flick' haha, or maybe he was jsut pissed that we were later using his computer to watch the episodes after Clover's laptop was out of battery power. Well I'm sorry about that, but admit it gary, you enjoyed the drama too. XD Just remember...YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! nahh.. you're a jerk lol

Friday, December 18, 2009

First Day of Winter Break! And Some Drama-Watch Talk...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
***let's not talk about school since winter break is already here!!

So I'm just watching the japanese police drama Tokyo DOGS with Shu Oguri and Mizushima Hiro & of course the lovely Yoshitaka Yuriko (although i can never remember her name bc it's so long, i had to google this up)! :) Because of some LJ-er blogged about one of the episodes with screencaps and it looked pretty exciting even though I'm not a big fan of the police genre (see? I even skipped out on the Black & White craze with Vic Zhou even though it was recommended to me oh so many times). Also because my friend is watching it, so I'm curious. Shun is actually...pretty decent looking in here. I'm...usually not very open towards this guy (*hana-kimi* ick acting), but from the few episodes I've seen so far in this, I'm warming up to him (and I'm also pretty shocked how much hairstyles change people o.o seriously)..
Hiro *hugs* He is so adorably hilarious when he was trying to describe what he thought yakusas were supposed to look like, compared to the 'handsome' portrait of Jinno. XD And yes, I went ahead and skipped to the 9th episode (new one that came out on Mysoju today)...I promise I'll go back and watch the rest!! I promise!! But let me finish episode 9 first :P I have to see if this is interesting before I know I'll actually follow this!
16 minutes into episode 9...
I'm laughing my butt off at Sou (Oguri)...who's just made a totally serious police catch like eating a piece of delicious strawberry cake. Ok, weird connotation, but whatever. The dude is surprisingly half-likeable in this drama.
NOBODY TOLD ME THIS WAS A COMEDY-POLICE DRAMA?? Or else, I would have more of a reason to watch it earlier XD Omg, this is freaking hilarious. Teh only thing I would complain about their comedic style is how everyone else give so much time to the person who's acting exaggerated/silly, like the instances with Marou acting out - they gave a little too much time - enough that it's sometimes hard for the viewer to watch those scenes because it looks so embarrasing. If you've watched episode 9 (or other episodes, but I'm not sure about them), then you would know what I'm referring to.
YEEPS. I've almost forgotten about watching JIN. XD I will, as promised - to an awesome LJer who screencapped the drama and who lured me into putting JIN on my dramas-to-watch list.

ON a final note... Jeremy whoops! Apparently I'm still suffering from You're Beautiful withdraw haha. I mean Lee Hong Ki... After watching him in a couple of his FT Island group's messages regarding their japanese albums - he sends out a strange dejavu aura to me - he reminds me a LOT of akira (Yamapi's character from the ever-famous Nobuta wo Produce). Does anyone else feel that way? He's almost like Yamapi when he did his trademark adorableness, except Yamapi does it sexier, imo LOL. Please, no haters here, of course I adore Hong Ki too - all thanks to You're Beautiful, for letting me know about him :)
Oh how time-travel stories never fail me xDD Especially of the comedy genre ahaha..
Yup! I'm definitely talking about JIN right now. I'm watching it and I can tell you from half of the first episode in, it's getting really good. And unexpectedly also very funny. Similar to Louis Koo's A Step Into The Past - except more 'realistic' as realism gets (in a time-travel story, which is already a fictionous genre in itself, if that made sense) abeit a little creepy with his flashbacks of the embryo in the little glass bottle(you'll see what I mean from the first episode). Ayase Haruka's pitch-perfect acting as a smart Edo period lady made me reconsider my bias against her before. The last drama I've seen of her was in Tatta Hitotsu no Koi with Kame, but after that, she became more annoying in her acting - as I've seen bits and parts of her newer dramas after that one... But I'm starting to get into like her in dramas again ^^

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Unique Duckie to Beautiful Swan?

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
saren: "Ahhh I can't wait for breaaakk!"
me: "I knoww! Only one more day! And we have the french party tomorrow! :)"
From Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan (Soompi topic)

adaption of this topic on my blog here lol, I'm too shy to post of the actual site, but I want to do this just for fun to see how much I've changed through the years...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Scatterbrained No More??

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"Are we going to have a party on friday?"
"Madam! Don't we have a party on friday?"
"...YES! We are! And everyone can bring in food, but if you do the ones of my website, I will give you extra credit :)"
"Amanda! DBQ tomorrow! T.T"
"yeah I know... :("
Music video ideas.:'':..:":..:":..:":.
######          ########
#####  ^      ^    ######
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Las Vegas Trip
Mom & Dad's birthdays
Then & Now (ppl in my family)
Dream Birthday
If you could have anything... PICTURE MEME

Health update!
I'm sleeping more now ~ like 6-7 hours a night!! I think that is a huge accomplishment because as you know, bad habits are verrry hard to break ;) 6 hours hmm...compared to 2 hours I used to get. Yeah, I would say that's an improvement. And I will continue with this every single day during this winter break. Hopefully.
Right now: watching the mv of 楊丞琳 - 雨愛 as I'm completing this entry...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Up To Date on the Past Week and Drama ramblings

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...

ARGHasdfajklfj!@#!# I had a really good one to put here...but I forgot.

I'll get back to this if I remember it later!


Current Favorites in songs:

Today: I Can Not Forgive - Cha Soo Kyung (Wife's Temptation OST)

Last Week:

暗戀 - 陶喆

雕花笼 - heard this song in an entry for the c-t contest & was hooked ever since :)

你看不到的天空 - 蔡旻佑


Dramas I've been watching on & off these past few're Beautiful (of course I have to mention this drama again! lol)

Autumn's Concerto, Hi! My Sweetheart, Invincible Lee Pyung Kang, Will It Snow on Christmas?, and most recent - Wife's Temptation.

So why on & off, you ask?

First off, let's start with Autumn's Concerto, a taiwanese romance drama I've been continuing to watch simultaneously with the latter half of You're Beautiful. But as much as I've grown to really love this drama, it only comes out an episode a week! And I'm impatient, thus, I find other dramas to watch during the other 6 days of the week (not every day of course because I have hw & a life outside of dramas haha)...

As for Hi! My Sweetheart, another taiwanese drama I'm beginning to take an interest on...let's just say that I love the Show Lo & Rainie Yang & Lee Wei triangle (and even the almost-pointless *ouch* storyline), but it ALSO only comes out once a week because it is currently broadcasting... plus, mysoju with its viiki videos fail on me a lot :(

Alright, so finally back on track with some highly anticipated kdrama Lee Pyung Kang, right? With its hong gil dong-like feel, it should be keeping me busy right? no. Of course the couple of episodes I've seen are great - except for some boring golf scenes (sorry I don't like golf!) and the fact that the female lead is only awesome in ancient clothing, AND the fact that the leads are constantly screaming into each other's ears...kind of turn me off a little. Another reason why I'm not completely hooked? High-quality updates. New episodes. Non-existent. And no, Tudou videos don't count. (I can barely make out the chinese subtitles on each video, granted I can at least read them)

So on the new broadcasted melo-romance (I heard?), starring the always-sophisticated Han Ye Seul (from Fantasy Couple and Ms. Golddigger)'s what I think. The first 2 episodes were am-azing. Yes, the childhood parts. These parts definitely caught my attention and the interactions between the child leads were very enjoyable. Now, when the storyline changes to 8 years later, I became a little apprehensive of how the plot was going to develop. Another thing, call me shallow, but first thing I noticed regarding the male lead. JACKIE CHAN. Yes, he's gorgeous, a complete eye-candy, but when he smiles - JACKIE - his nose and mouth resem - CHAN. As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of dear ol' Jackie; unlike the millions of them in this world :P On the other hand, I have absolutely no complaints so far for Ye Seul's performance, natural and she looks stunning as always. But seriously, the plot from episode 3 on does. not. catch. my. attention. Sadly, the viiki video clips not working here and there did not help the situation. So I'm considering dropping this series, what do you guys think? I just don't think this was too exciting for a romance drama, a little draggy - need some more substance and drama here!

Sorry, long post already, but I'm going to finish up with my rants on the most recent drama I've just seen (an hour ago) - Wife's Temptation. I love the ost of this drama if anything! And this drama does have a good potential as an edge-of-your-seat drama. Though drama it is; from reviews on the internet, this is supposed to be very makjang-like - with full-on twisted revenge schemes, adultery, and other dark themes. Also, this drama is verrry long with 129 episodes. O.O The longest drama I've seen to date is a mere 50 episodes compared to this. And it was a mainland wuxia drama, LOCH 2008. Why are most kdramas and jdramas so short (like 7-16 episodes) while some are 100+ episodes? So I have a question then - does the number of episodes increase indicate a decrease in the quality of the episodes/ the plot? I mean, it's hard for some drama directors and screenwriters to even produce a solid 10 episode drama, so how is it possible for the 100+ ones to get into the higher ratings??

I would like to end this post with a *prays for snow day tomorrow*! Haha that'd be awesome - no school!! Good night folks!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekend!! A week before winter break...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
me: "heyyy alice!" "I haven't seen you in so long!"
alice: "heeyy cady. You didn't go to the assembly?"
me: "nope, most of my friends are skipping too."
alice: "really? haha where'd they go?"
me: "^^ idk"
alice: "oh haha"
me: "so what are you guys talking about? :)"
yifan: "oh, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL."
me: "asdfladkdfjkl I LOVE THAT DRAMA!!"
alice: "hahaha so you know we're talking about the drama? lol most people would probably wonder why the heck she's calling you 'You're Beautiful' :DD"
me: "Lol YEAH, I love that drama!!"
yifan: "So who's you're favorite guy?"
me: "hmm I CAN'T CHOSE asdfjkl;@$#&%____ ALL of them are hot"
yifan: "like if you had to choose one, which one would you choose?"
yifan & alice: "wooohoo!" "tae-gyyyuung" "he's just so hot" "yah! we all like him best!"
me: "HAHAHA he has an amazing smile!"
O yes. I love my decision not to go to the tolo assembly after all. If I went to the assembly instead, I wouldn't have had the chance to  all over my most favoritest kdrama obsession ever...with two girls that are totally in sync with dramas, PLUS getting to meet a new buddy :))) Who knew?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chinese Class Humor.

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...

A white lady subbed for chinese class today.
paul: Oh she's not here today, so we won't get called at
me: wait, lin lao shi isn't here today?? Oh! we have a sub today!!
paul: didn't know that? Haha.
me: No haha.
Later in chinese class...
many seniors and juniors decided to skip class for a bit; some just went to the mall/macdonalds for a bit...

(someone random comes into classroom and goes onto the computer)
wl: *holds the bathroom pass in hands* Hey... I've been seeing at least 4 different people coming and going out of this classroom, and no one signed themselves out of this classroom on the pass.
someone: oh, nobody uses the bathroom pass anymore in this class...
wl: Well, it doesn't matter what you normally do. When the sub is here, you respect the sub! Now who used this.. does anyone know who went out and didn't sign out?

Just then... anton comes in through the door. Everyone's heads turn in his direction. Our sub did too.

wl: ... who're you? What's your name?
anton: *don't know whether to answer*
class: He's anton. (everyone laughts)
wl: I'm asking you a question!
anton: My name is anton. Is there a problem? (he says all of this in a dry sarcastic way)
wl: Yes, did you sign this bathroom pass before you left? I dont' see an anton on here... Are you the heart? (note: someone drew a heart in place of the name slot on the pass)
anton: (peers over) Uhh. No.. (walks away)
wl: So who did that? Okay, fine, I'll let you go this time, but write your names next time you leave this classroom!
class: ...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Distinctions Between Makeup - East Asian

Japanese makeup basics
1. flawless skin
2. bursting eye lashes
3. pale pink lip colors
4. curly, girly hair
5. don't over draw your lines!
Korean makeup basics
1. clean, glowy, flawless skin
2. thick, straight brows (or triangular)
3. minimum or no eyeshadow
4. natural lip colors


Second Chances, Lifesavers, and Cheap, Wonderful Baby Oil

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"bumbleberrri...see! we came to this traffic light even later than are DEFINITELY going to be late to school this time"
"Can I have an absence today then? because yesterday dad already said he would let me rest today because he saw me studying ap chem all the way to 3am at night and I started feeling crazy dizzy & having a headache..."
"...ok...if you can't make it to the small door in time. shi*...there we have it, another meathead (rou tou, refering to the slow car in front of us)"
"hey bumbleberri, I think you should just rush out the car now...just watch for cars, hey, see that girl just ran out too right in front of us, don't be lazy"
"o.o oh alright mom"
*run run run*
"weee! I actually made it inside the classroom in time, again! aww but then that means I can't be absent and rest at home today.. T.T oh well, I guess I have to own up to the ap chem organic chemistry quiz today...-.-"
"nope, i don't think so"
"oh whew"
"yeah, because she said we have a guest speaker in class today"
"OH YEAH! I remember now!! oh baby <3"
*yuppp hehe let's hope he talks through the whole time in french class today*
*yess haha*
  • $15 Sephora Gift offer
  • 2 pairs of skinny jeans
  • lighting
  • johnson's baby oil
  • 2 boxes of revlon hair dye
So first things first, after school <3
My parents took me to Walmart, and we bought a couple of plastic organizer drawers (my love! haha) and new floorlamps and stuff like that!! Cool! We haven't really updated our lamps, computer, hairdryer, toaster oven, alarm clocks, sofas and chairs until recently (these items were at least 8 years old o.o)
I got myself 2 pairs of skinny jeans for my clothing staples, and pretty great investment if you ask me, they were on sale for $12 each and they looked SMOKIN!! I got one gray skinny & the other, a black skinny (better quality than the one I had in beijing).
Also, I got some gum (for school, so that my breath wouldn't smell), 2 boxes of Revlon hair dyes
1 soft black + 1 dark mahogany brown
and :) BABY OIL!! From Walmart's sample counter :))) I really gotta dedicate a whole blog entry to rave about this stuff, I really should :D So basically, most of you guys know that makeup removers on the market today, especially the GOOD ones, cost you a bunch of bucks. So I did some research on that problem, and turns out, there are actually a couple of really good natural alternatives. And among the top ones were vaseline, olive oil, baby oil, and egyptian magic cream. So I've tried vaseline and egyptian magic for quite a time, but they seemed a little too hard to come off (the greasy feeling), but otherwise I was fine with them. I've tried olive oil, but with icky results; the oil DOES help with makeup removal, but it also leaves a lot of yellow oil/grease on your hands that you can't wash with jsut soap & water alone. oil, IS AMAZING. I just squeeze a drop of it on my fingertip and just gently give my eye makeup a nudge - and the whole makeup just slides off your eyes. o.o and then, all you have to do is take a facial tissue and wipe the residue off. And the extra oil? It doesn't leave my eyes or hands greasy at actually even moisturizes your hands like a cream, so you don't even feel like you have to wash your hands off of the that part is amazing too!! I'm just loving it right now...THANK YOU BABY OIL :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

So Miraculous Days Do Happen...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
venecia (at lunch): Hi!
a few min later...
venecia: I was going to do a chinese article on school closing early for winter break in shanghai because of swine flu - *COUGH* *COUGH* sorry..
me: O.O I CAN SEE WHY... haha just kidding :)
saren (before math class): Hi bumbleberri! Ughh I forgot my contacts today...
me: Oh me too! I woke up reallyy late this morning..
Oh my god, today was AMAZING. This morning, I got up at 7:20 - and usually it takes about 15 minutes for me to get to school, but we passed mostly green lights and reached the small door by 7:30 still o.o
saren: :D
me: and there were these 2 really buff guys and they were pounding hard on the door, and this girl from inside the building actually came over and opened the door for us!! And then I dashed to my class and sneaked in right when the teacher looked down at the attendance sheet!! hahaha
saren: haha WOW like 10 minutes including the time you got dressed and brushed your teeth and packed your backpack xDD
me: yeah! ...Oh yeah, I heard from rixing that today is really boring in math (saren: REALLY? argh) yup..all we're doing is that linear combination thingg the whole class
saren: and for an hour and 30 minutes...
in math class...
math teacher (mt): ,,,kevin? are you ok?
kevin: yep... I didn't have on my contacts is all *SQUINTS*
saren & me: US TOO! XD (quietly)
kevin: *does the asian eyesight-correcting trick* (where take your fingers and stretch your eyes slightly to temporarily correct your eyesight, this trick DOES work, but keep in mind this will also give you wrinkles if you do it regularly)
I'M GONNA MAKE THIS THING INTO A LONG RUN-ON (so grammar freaks, here's a warning to you guys prepared for very disorganized writing ahead)
So yeah, basically (yup, spend too much time writing the part above this) got up verrrry late dressed, brushed teeth, 7:20, grab backpack, dove into mom's car, did my hair super fast in the car & took a swig of cool water, mom and me blamed on each other, 7:26, not in time for this longgg red light that took forever, arrived at small door all depressed (waiting to get tardy pass in main office [main entrance] and then go all the way back to small door AGAIN) BUT... 2 tall & buff guys were at the door (luckily) and morgan actually walked over from the hallway and opened the door for us *HALLELUYAHHH*
haha, no, not that dramatic...7:30 (but the time in the car was 30 seconds ahead of school clocks) when I sneaked into my English class, the bell had just rung like 10 seconds ago...but teacher was looking down and didn't see me sneak into my seat...
Just when I sighed in relief...I remembered that we had to do some debate thing in english class today :( But then WOOT! my teacher said only one group had to go up (aka not mandatory) so I gave a sigh of relief bc I know everything was ok now...but THEN some guy from my group just HAD to open his fat mouth and volunteered us T.T i know he's from the debate class and everything, but the teacher obviously didn't even let us have time to review our notes/practice so nobody knew what to say so we all blamed him for volunteering us w/o anyways, we got up, and I shakily stood at the edge of the group and furiously reviewed my notes from 2 days before (the last time we had even looked at them)...but I learned from experience that if you just add in a comment/question early on, then you are less at risk for the teacher personally picking you out and putting attention on you to contribute (or worse, asking you to debate on something you have no idea how to's hard for me to flub) anyways, I added little tid-bits of persuasion + evidence to us 3 girls side, and the two other girls in my group did the main arguing (though nobody really had a clear idea of what to say)...and everything went rather smoothly (since half the class didn't care, and half the class was asleep anyways bc hw overload probably)
AP World was spent listening to our teacher doing storytelling (well, not really) & laughing over Henry VII's lovelife xD Cuz she makes it sound so funny when a kid asked, "Was Henry always like this?" ~noticing his chubbyness haha and Ms. H goes "Well, apparently, Henry had a big appetite for food and WOMEN" lol
AP Chinese was ahemm pretty darn inappopriate o_o with michael saying most of those things...he's having a great time hanging out with my tablepartner alex now...asking about...and laughing over...
And when I asked them about 'dildo' (ap chem friends taught me this not too long ago) all the guys bawled over laughing...anton: you don't know what it means?...michael: HAHA all the guys know, it' know. So I had alex explain it to me since michael was being an ass today and laughing in my face...and he did, and I was just like 'oh' cuz I pretty much guessed it out when alex started sputtering 'it's a toy women use'...
So what's the big deal with it anyways?? Who invented this dumb word and what's the big deal? geez grow up dudes (that goes to certain individuals in my ap chem too -.-)
So nvm... all I now learned is, more ppl are getting strangely backwards and immature. Yeah, so whatever...apparently there are things ppl do in my school that I just wasn't aware of until now -.- and to think everyone was so polite and innocent xD But maybe some are, but I guess it's pretty common in high school to encounter things like this??  So whatever, not going to go into this...
So in math class..pretty much all of the above quote parts sum it up...I actually get a lot of what we are learning in thsi new unit!! yahhh matrices ahoy! :)
And I finally finally retook my two ap chem quizzes!!
And I've improved my overall grade up a whole grade! yessss


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hentai, New Dramas, and Anime Past-times?

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
me: OMG this perverted guy in my health I have to work with him
manning, serena, kevin (msk): WHO?
me: oh, this guy named j.j. I HATE WORKING WITH HIM. He doesn't do anything, and he says so many perverted insults every time I'm trying to get us back on track and actually get some ideas for our group presentation! -_-
serena: hey, what cup size are you?
me: ...
tiffany: Your grades actually are related to the cup size you are :)
serena: oh, then you are A size, you have all As right?
me: no... I have like a lot of Bs -_-
serena: but you dont' look like a B...
kevin: HAHAHA
tiffany: ok so anyways, do you know what a d**** is, bumbleberri?
me: nope, I know what a dilf is though, all thanks to kevjumba xD
manning: then go serach it up! type it on google and do google images
me: uhh I dont' think I want to know haha
tiffany: here..I'll write it down for you..*writes word*
me: Don't write it on my notes!! :O
manning: yeah, you wouldn't want someone looking at your notes and go...u know.
tiff, serena, manning, kevin: LOL
me: Stoppp...hey this is like the same as what jj would do in helath class -_-
tiff: LOL yeah I've ruined another innocent girl XD
manning: oh no, tiff, another one down Tiff: SCORE! :D HAHA
me: O.O

SNSD always look so flawless in pictures!! :D
I'm more of a wondergirls fan, but I think Jessica is really cool...and I only recently heard that she habitually sleeps for 12 hours per night o.o no wonder she has such good skin lol...that's craazzy long time of sleep (esp compared to my average sleep of 4 hours XD and I sort of procrastinated last night on my mental health paper, so I only got 2 hours of sleep T-T

Dramas I'm following (starting this week, or a little before):
Autumn's Concerto - taiwanese, romance, with vaness wu & ady an
Hi! My Sweetheart - taiwanese, romantic-comedy, show lo & rainie yang
Creating Destiny - korean, family/romance, eugene kim
*Smile, You - korean, family/romantic-comedy, the fiancee girl from Boys Before Flowers
*JIN - japanese, medical/time travel, ayase haruka

Songs That I'm currently into:
Bad Person - Baek Ji Young
Loveless - Yamapi
Tu Ran Xiang Ai Ni - Ding Dang ft. someone else xD
You and I - Park Bom
calling You - Seo In Kook
Ai Feng Tou - Show Lo

New Movies I Just Heard About:
Hot Summer Days

My Favorite Anime Past-times:
Ronin Warriors
Sailor Moon
Cardcaptor Sakura
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Tenchi Muyo
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
After Thanksgiving break, my chinese teacher assigned the class a short essay of 150 characters minimum, writing about a person we were thankful of.... I first thought about writing about Yamapi, but then I thought it might be too silly haha, so I just ended up writing about my brother xD the least likely contender of this honor LOL
