Thursday, December 3, 2009

So Miraculous Days Do Happen...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
venecia (at lunch): Hi!
a few min later...
venecia: I was going to do a chinese article on school closing early for winter break in shanghai because of swine flu - *COUGH* *COUGH* sorry..
me: O.O I CAN SEE WHY... haha just kidding :)
saren (before math class): Hi bumbleberri! Ughh I forgot my contacts today...
me: Oh me too! I woke up reallyy late this morning..
Oh my god, today was AMAZING. This morning, I got up at 7:20 - and usually it takes about 15 minutes for me to get to school, but we passed mostly green lights and reached the small door by 7:30 still o.o
saren: :D
me: and there were these 2 really buff guys and they were pounding hard on the door, and this girl from inside the building actually came over and opened the door for us!! And then I dashed to my class and sneaked in right when the teacher looked down at the attendance sheet!! hahaha
saren: haha WOW like 10 minutes including the time you got dressed and brushed your teeth and packed your backpack xDD
me: yeah! ...Oh yeah, I heard from rixing that today is really boring in math (saren: REALLY? argh) yup..all we're doing is that linear combination thingg the whole class
saren: and for an hour and 30 minutes...
in math class...
math teacher (mt): ,,,kevin? are you ok?
kevin: yep... I didn't have on my contacts is all *SQUINTS*
saren & me: US TOO! XD (quietly)
kevin: *does the asian eyesight-correcting trick* (where take your fingers and stretch your eyes slightly to temporarily correct your eyesight, this trick DOES work, but keep in mind this will also give you wrinkles if you do it regularly)
I'M GONNA MAKE THIS THING INTO A LONG RUN-ON (so grammar freaks, here's a warning to you guys prepared for very disorganized writing ahead)
So yeah, basically (yup, spend too much time writing the part above this) got up verrrry late dressed, brushed teeth, 7:20, grab backpack, dove into mom's car, did my hair super fast in the car & took a swig of cool water, mom and me blamed on each other, 7:26, not in time for this longgg red light that took forever, arrived at small door all depressed (waiting to get tardy pass in main office [main entrance] and then go all the way back to small door AGAIN) BUT... 2 tall & buff guys were at the door (luckily) and morgan actually walked over from the hallway and opened the door for us *HALLELUYAHHH*
haha, no, not that dramatic...7:30 (but the time in the car was 30 seconds ahead of school clocks) when I sneaked into my English class, the bell had just rung like 10 seconds ago...but teacher was looking down and didn't see me sneak into my seat...
Just when I sighed in relief...I remembered that we had to do some debate thing in english class today :( But then WOOT! my teacher said only one group had to go up (aka not mandatory) so I gave a sigh of relief bc I know everything was ok now...but THEN some guy from my group just HAD to open his fat mouth and volunteered us T.T i know he's from the debate class and everything, but the teacher obviously didn't even let us have time to review our notes/practice so nobody knew what to say so we all blamed him for volunteering us w/o anyways, we got up, and I shakily stood at the edge of the group and furiously reviewed my notes from 2 days before (the last time we had even looked at them)...but I learned from experience that if you just add in a comment/question early on, then you are less at risk for the teacher personally picking you out and putting attention on you to contribute (or worse, asking you to debate on something you have no idea how to's hard for me to flub) anyways, I added little tid-bits of persuasion + evidence to us 3 girls side, and the two other girls in my group did the main arguing (though nobody really had a clear idea of what to say)...and everything went rather smoothly (since half the class didn't care, and half the class was asleep anyways bc hw overload probably)
AP World was spent listening to our teacher doing storytelling (well, not really) & laughing over Henry VII's lovelife xD Cuz she makes it sound so funny when a kid asked, "Was Henry always like this?" ~noticing his chubbyness haha and Ms. H goes "Well, apparently, Henry had a big appetite for food and WOMEN" lol
AP Chinese was ahemm pretty darn inappopriate o_o with michael saying most of those things...he's having a great time hanging out with my tablepartner alex now...asking about...and laughing over...
And when I asked them about 'dildo' (ap chem friends taught me this not too long ago) all the guys bawled over laughing...anton: you don't know what it means?...michael: HAHA all the guys know, it' know. So I had alex explain it to me since michael was being an ass today and laughing in my face...and he did, and I was just like 'oh' cuz I pretty much guessed it out when alex started sputtering 'it's a toy women use'...
So what's the big deal with it anyways?? Who invented this dumb word and what's the big deal? geez grow up dudes (that goes to certain individuals in my ap chem too -.-)
So nvm... all I now learned is, more ppl are getting strangely backwards and immature. Yeah, so whatever...apparently there are things ppl do in my school that I just wasn't aware of until now -.- and to think everyone was so polite and innocent xD But maybe some are, but I guess it's pretty common in high school to encounter things like this??  So whatever, not going to go into this...
So in math class..pretty much all of the above quote parts sum it up...I actually get a lot of what we are learning in thsi new unit!! yahhh matrices ahoy! :)
And I finally finally retook my two ap chem quizzes!!
And I've improved my overall grade up a whole grade! yessss


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