Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Scatterbrained No More??

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"Are we going to have a party on friday?"
"Madam! Don't we have a party on friday?"
"...YES! We are! And everyone can bring in food, but if you do the ones of my website, I will give you extra credit :)"
"Amanda! DBQ tomorrow! T.T"
"yeah I know... :("
Music video ideas.:'':..:":..:":..:":.
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Las Vegas Trip
Mom & Dad's birthdays
Then & Now (ppl in my family)
Dream Birthday
If you could have anything... PICTURE MEME

Health update!
I'm sleeping more now ~ like 6-7 hours a night!! I think that is a huge accomplishment because as you know, bad habits are verrry hard to break ;) 6 hours hmm...compared to 2 hours I used to get. Yeah, I would say that's an improvement. And I will continue with this every single day during this winter break. Hopefully.
Right now: watching the mv of 楊丞琳 - 雨愛 as I'm completing this entry...

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