Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Boooring. Lips Sore, Teeth Hurts.

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
mom: Dentist appointment, bumbleberri!! Get ready.
me: OKK
after appointment...
me: arghhh mom, let's NOT get any more of my teeth repaired PLEASE.
The dentist nearly ripped both sides of my lips!! My lips were so numb by the time they fixed 3 of my teeth that I couldn't even say anything when they asked me if it hurt... :(
mom: See? That's why you should not keep on damaging them by eating sweets!
me: -.- Good thing I put on Vaseline.
Another boring day of at home time.
I'm finally getting some internet time now, but no JIN finale to watch... :(
I'm watching this movie with Ethan Ruan instead, called L.O.V.E. - what an original name.
But the premise is good...

And I also watched the trailer for Bodyguards and Assassins today too... Looks awesome, but a little more bloody than I would've liked... though Nic Tse and Fan Bing Bing are enough to make it up for me :)

Hey guys, I've actually jsut noticed how I prefer sadder, ballad songs over upbeat/cheerful songs - but at the same time, I prefer romantic-comedies to melodramas. Irony?

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