Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chinese Class Humor.

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...

A white lady subbed for chinese class today.
paul: Oh she's not here today, so we won't get called at
me: wait, lin lao shi isn't here today?? Oh! we have a sub today!!
paul: didn't know that? Haha.
me: No haha.
Later in chinese class...
many seniors and juniors decided to skip class for a bit; some just went to the mall/macdonalds for a bit...

(someone random comes into classroom and goes onto the computer)
wl: *holds the bathroom pass in hands* Hey... I've been seeing at least 4 different people coming and going out of this classroom, and no one signed themselves out of this classroom on the pass.
someone: oh, nobody uses the bathroom pass anymore in this class...
wl: Well, it doesn't matter what you normally do. When the sub is here, you respect the sub! Now who used this.. does anyone know who went out and didn't sign out?

Just then... anton comes in through the door. Everyone's heads turn in his direction. Our sub did too.

wl: ... who're you? What's your name?
anton: *don't know whether to answer*
class: He's anton. (everyone laughts)
wl: I'm asking you a question!
anton: My name is anton. Is there a problem? (he says all of this in a dry sarcastic way)
wl: Yes, did you sign this bathroom pass before you left? I dont' see an anton on here... Are you the heart? (note: someone drew a heart in place of the name slot on the pass)
anton: (peers over) Uhh. No.. (walks away)
wl: So who did that? Okay, fine, I'll let you go this time, but write your names next time you leave this classroom!
class: ...

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