Monday, December 21, 2009

New Buddies and To Be Healthy That Is The Question...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Yesterday @ family friend's house...
gary: "'Davis, stop f***** piss me off"
me: (trying to keep things at a lighter tone) "Well, there's also an A word, a B word, a C word and D word"
everyone: HAHAHA
gary: Yup!...Wait, there's a C word? *thinks* OMG bumbleberri, that's perverted!~
me: what is?
gary: oh geez, you weren't freakin thinking about that right? c-u-n, you know..
me: ??? I was talking about 'crap'.
gary & claire: that's not a cuss word!
me: yea it is. :)
clover: I'm going to get my laptop.
me: You brought your LAPTOP along??
clover: haha yup. K, so what do you watch, bumbleberri?
clover and claire start talking about various animes including naruto...
clover: Ok, so which dramas do you watch?
me: Like all sorts. Mandarin, taiwanese, korean, jap...
Which kind do you want? Korean or Jap?
clover: mmm KOREAN
me: K...let's see... oh oh!! I know this realllly awesome one! You guys are going to like it. Wanna try it?
clover: K, (on youtube) tell me the name...
me: You're Beautiful. <3
clover & Claire: It's called 'you're beautiful'?? AHAHAHA
me: ^^
1 hour later, when gary and davis joins us...
gary: what are you girls watching?
ccc: You're Beautiful!!
gary: ?? ok. So can someone tell me what is going on...what is this story about?
me: oh it's blahblahblah
gary: ohhhh
gary: So who's the girl going to end up with..?
clover: guy :D
me: Nooo.. HE'S NOT GAY XD Tae-Kyung is hot.. :)
clover: Yes, he is!! Look, he's wearing earrings, and that's eyeliner on his eyes!!
me: -.- well, korean popstars are like that..
Today @ olive crest...
kevin: c'mon ben! Let's go get some burgers!
binham: hey wanna come?
me: nah. I have to go to a dentist appointment -.-
binham: k. *goes with kevin*
me: mm..i should go phone my dad..
3 minutes later - - -
me: binham, kevin, wait!!!
binham: lol getting more cookies??
me: mmm YUP. wait... of course not! These are for my bro.
Sorry, I'm low on time, so I'll blog quick here :)
So yesterday, REALLY surprising day, but very very fun too...
At noon, my parents announce that we were going to visit a family friend's house - I'm like... asdfjklajfdkj@!#$!% WHAT. REALLY NOW. How did I get to be the last one to find out and why didn't they tell me earlier?? So I spent the next hour flipping out because I haven't exactly been to any family friend's house in ovser a year. And because I'm just paranoid person. So I took a long needed shower and straightened me hair...and everything else blahblahblah. By 4pm, we've arrived at gary's house. And it's completely dark outside, but I can still see the amazing neighborhood and omg HUGE garages whoa. Anyways, my dad gave them a call, and we finally find their house. Me and davis goes in, and we see gary, the beijing girl (clover), and the 5th grader from the summer picnic (claire). Watching "Big Mama" or "Big Momma's House", something like that. Some American comedy with cross-dressing and involves Martin Lawerence. I get relieved temporarily from my paranoid because these were two other girls I actually knew, not some random strangers. Awesome! Then, the parents all usher us over to the chinese dishes. Which were ok. But I liked the ribs and the steamed shrimp (you can dip them in this cocktail sauce/ketchup..gary insisted it was cocktail, but ya never know hehe)
After 'dinner', if you could call it one, more like a potluck with a couple of dishes I was hesitant to try out... gary pulled a couple of his trademark no-one-finds-them-funny-except-himself jokes on us, then we all went upstairs and played table hockey. After table hockey, gary pulled out a board game called "Mouse Trap", and we took turns rolling the dice, until gary decided to get pissed off at claire, and didn't let her have her turn. But guess who won the game?? MEE :D First time haha!
Clover and I went down for a short fruit snack, and clover hops over to her mom, cheekily claiming to hear her say bad things behind her back. Then, we went back upstairs to go play on gary's xbox. He showed us a bunch of his gory games he liked, but we ended up choosing his Sonic game because it seemed less intimidating. So we took turns playing different characters, with me choosing the character 'Amy', who I got 7th place for :) We had a fun time with this, but went downstairs again, and gary and clover begin setting up a Xiang Qi board while claire, davis, and I watched unenthusiastically. Davis began pointing out a few moves quietly (since our grandma had previously taught him the game), and gary accidentally overheared, prompting him to frustratedly scold him. Davis started crying because of that, and hid behind my back - so I started cracking jokes to make him feel better and for the tension between gary and him to settle. Which worked - thankfully. Claire suggested that we play chess while gary and clover played Xiang Qi, and we did. Claire won. But it was exciting once we started playing Wu Zi Qi aka Wei Qi. I think I almost beat gary, who claimed to be pro at this game, except Clover brought out her laptop, and I went over to look at it - prompting gary to clean out my black pieces. So I just hung out with Clover and Claire, whom were pondering what to watch...(and it you scroll up to my quotes above this passage), We ended up watching the korean drama "You're Beautiful". <3
The girls definitely got hooked onto drama, but kind of mixed reactions from gary and davis. Gary was laughing along with us in all the funny parts, but I guess he's too stubborn to admit liking a 'chick flick' haha, or maybe he was jsut pissed that we were later using his computer to watch the episodes after Clover's laptop was out of battery power. Well I'm sorry about that, but admit it gary, you enjoyed the drama too. XD Just remember...YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! nahh.. you're a jerk lol

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