Friday, December 25, 2009


Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
I had a really strange dream last night. I was in something like a nature obstacle course, everyone was on the way to an icy island someplace far away. Tigers, monsters, badass people were chasing after me and my mom shows me how to kill them/temporarily stun them with something that looked like Vaseline's Total Moisture Lotion. She told me to squirt a little bit in my palms and roll the gooey stuff into a small ball, and then throw it into the monster's eyes to blind/kill it off. It actually worked. But it was still a weird dream.
We had an okay Christmas Eve yesterday, with the bigger part of the day spent going shopping for gift wrap and food. We rented 2 videos from Safeway - after much debate - Click and Definitely, Maybe. My bro and I went upstairs and watched the latter movie amongst popcorn and chips dipped in salsa. YUM. And then we ate the coffee cake roll (special sale at 99 ranch!!) and took pictures of course!
All the presents were set up ready to go ~> for todayyyyy....
My bro and I actually planned to watch Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs on Christmas, only to see a poster of it in Wal-Mart, saying that it was out on January 5th (second day back to school). Great.
So everyone stayed up until 2am watching a couple episodes of 我的青春谁做主, because yes, we still love this drama despite the fact that we have finished the drama already (or rather, I have), but I love how the dialogue and characters still make me rofl and gotta love this show's all-around wittiness! But the episodes we ended up watching were the parts where Mai Dong finally gets out of jail and decides to sneak into Zhou Jing's company as a night guard (to take revenge)...oohh still gives me the shudders thinking that.. XD I'm such a scaredy cat.
Hey, now I'm thinking of posting a list of a couple movies that I consider "classics" or ones that I've seen too much of in my childhood in America (so basically these a my pasttime movies)

Speed, While You Were Sleeping, Some Like It Hot, Legally Blonde, Rush Hour (1, 2), Home Alone (1-3), Finding Nemo, A Little Princess 1986, She's The Man, Freaky Friday, Rat Race, The Day After Tomorrow, Super Size Me, Titanic, Whats the Worst That Can Happen, Heavenly Forest, 200lbs of Beauty, The Sound of Music, The Mask of Zorro, Set it Off
*in Bold, are the ones I really really like

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