Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekend!! A week before winter break...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
me: "heyyy alice!" "I haven't seen you in so long!"
alice: "heeyy cady. You didn't go to the assembly?"
me: "nope, most of my friends are skipping too."
alice: "really? haha where'd they go?"
me: "^^ idk"
alice: "oh haha"
me: "so what are you guys talking about? :)"
yifan: "oh, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL."
me: "asdfladkdfjkl I LOVE THAT DRAMA!!"
alice: "hahaha so you know we're talking about the drama? lol most people would probably wonder why the heck she's calling you 'You're Beautiful' :DD"
me: "Lol YEAH, I love that drama!!"
yifan: "So who's you're favorite guy?"
me: "hmm I CAN'T CHOSE asdfjkl;@$#&%____ ALL of them are hot"
yifan: "like if you had to choose one, which one would you choose?"
yifan & alice: "wooohoo!" "tae-gyyyuung" "he's just so hot" "yah! we all like him best!"
me: "HAHAHA he has an amazing smile!"
O yes. I love my decision not to go to the tolo assembly after all. If I went to the assembly instead, I wouldn't have had the chance to  all over my most favoritest kdrama obsession ever...with two girls that are totally in sync with dramas, PLUS getting to meet a new buddy :))) Who knew?

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