Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Break!!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"Su You Peng's song Part-Time Actor is really good..even though I'm not his fan anymore, that song is still really realllly meaningful!"
Thanksgiving Break = FREE TIME! Relaxing times galore! And maybe producing some more Music Videos?
So far, I've been on a roll with my new collection of 'family music videos' with our Beijing vacation scenes...from the past few years, it's fun stuff, trying to get the perfect asian song (usually my favorite ones) to fit in with the video/theme I'm doing. I got inspired making these mvs mostly from Jenny Productions (youtube), Jazky Productions, and many other drama mv-making people, etc.

Also, did I mention that Cheng-Tsui gave me a second chance to enter their karaoke contest?? I'm like soo grateful to them for understanding my video situation and letting me submit my video the mornign after deadline (because I had tried to submit my video before the due time BUT the website wouldn't accept it for some strange I had to comment on their page about that problem and thankfully, they did not ignore my problem and we were able to solve it! yah~)

Even if I don't win and not even in the finalist list, I would be satisfied knowing that I had tried, and also, I really do want to improve my singing ...and I'm really looking forward to the judges critiqing me, so that I would have a better idea of how to do better. I mean it's not everyday that you get critiqued personally by professionals (well, semi-pros I guess lol), so I think that having Cheng-Tsui judges critique me is already awesome in itself. :)
For thanksgiving, I'm thankful of the Cheng-Tsui karaoke contest for giving me a chance to participate and enter my video! Big thanks to you guys! <3
Here's my video:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

birthday party a success??

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
The party was all in all pretty awesome, not without a couple of -.- moments though...
I did this really cool retro 80's look; a strapless dress paired with my mom's black 80s jacket paired with some black tights... :)
Then we picked up Kevin and later, Cissy from the library...raining raining raining....
We finally arrived at the restaurant... trudging up the doorsteps...inside finally! We waited for my dad to park the car somewhere, and we looked around the elegant-looking place...
Then a lady came over and said that we entered from the wrong door o.o
She told us to wait over by the benches next to the cashier place, and my dad came in, and asked about the regristration..turns out I can't even have a birthday party NOT on the same exact day as my birthday or else we don't get their 'free birthday meal' offer - WHAT. They said it was ok when I called their restaurant a couple days ago to get reservations. O.O
But anyways, the sushi selections were amazing, though I didn't get to try their hot entrees (chinese dishes) but I loved those little samples of different cakes! i only tried a couple though - like their strawberry delight WHICH WAS YUMMY.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birthday problems, issues about distance, finally resolved??

update time!! haha

WOW what a big turn of events... most of the people I've invited are STILL COMING and unexpected ppl too!! Except I'm supposed to pick up some of them lol...
So originally, I invited
  • rixing, rino, kevin, serena, tiffany, venecia, manning, michael, mark, and richard (to which tiffany and venecia immediately responded, and said they couldn't come)
then gave them all a reminder yesterday on fb... and turns out...
  • serena, tiifany, venecia, yina, manning, michael, mark, and richard
couldn't come!! so I was depressed for the whole of today (partly cuz I woke up at 2pm -.-) and sad, and cried for until 8pm... so I decided to tell everyone all their prices are on the house, meaning that everyone is going to eat at the restaurant for free...Then I just decided to invite 2 more ppl hoping that at least they could come even though it was short notice and probably almost impossible...BUT THEY ACTUALLY AGREED REALLY FAST! whoa. ppl who I've actually invited 2 weeks ago don't come but ppl who I JUST invite on short notice do come?? Does this make sense? lol
  • cissy and stephanie
then, some OTHER issues occur...and we had a fb & msn discussion about ppl wanting rides from my parents...(in chronical order)
  • Cissy, Kevin, Manning, and Yina
and we resolved it with Yina going with taking Kevin and Cissy...
Then, just now, Rixing has a problem with getting rides, but we resolved it, with her getting a ride with rino..yes! ilu rino, you are a savior :D
So in the end, who's coming?
  • Rixing, Rino, Kevin, Serena (is going to drop by), Manning, Yina, Cissy, Stephanie
WAIT. OH SNAP! uh oh........ problems galore!

Things To Live By...

While we are on the subject of quotes, here are my favorite little quotes and sayings~*~*~*~

"People are never 100% satisfied"
"People forget what you said.People forget what you did.But people never forget how you made them feel."
"People never say, "It's only a game", when they're winning."
People who think they're out of this world always make you wish they were.
People would enjoy life more if, once they got what they wanted, they could remember how much they wanted it.
Teenagers express their burning desires to be different by dressing exactly alike.
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny!!!  
We come to love not by finding a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
Don't be a BEN brother, should have been, would have been, could have been, or might have been.
When it seems that someone has shattered your dreams....pick up even the smallest of pieces and use them to build bigger and better dreams.
Love is like water; We can fall in it. We can drown in it. And we can't live with out it.

Fools look to tomorrow, wise men use tonight.
Friends are like puzzle pieces. If one goes away, that special piece can never be replaced and that puzzle will never be whole again.

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic. 2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.

A celebrity is someone who works hard all his life to become known and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognised.

An English professor announced to the class; "There are two words I don't allow in my class. One is gross and the other is cool."From the back of the room a voice called out, "....... so, what are the words?".
Be careful of the words you say.And keep them soft and sweet. For you never know from day to day.Which ones you'll have to eat.
Be of use, but don't be used.
BIRTHDAY BELIEF SYSTEMS Idealism: Happy Birthday. Capitalism: I shopped all day for your birthday. Atheism: I can't believe it's your birthday. Hinduism: Holy Cow! Is it your birthday? Taoism: It's everybody's birthday. Buddhism: If your birthday party was held in the forest and nobody came... would it make a sound? Existentialism: Your birthday means nothing to me. Sarcasm: You don't look half bad for someone twice your age.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Never fear shadows... they simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Birthday Invitation Woes, Binder Frenzy and Crinkly Tests

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Neil, what did we get??
Nah, actually it's all you guys' work!! omg haha this is amazing :)
*HIGH FIVE* Vidal!! Neil, omg asdfjkl;@$_haha NEIL, we're doing HIGH FIVES, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LOL..and dezso!! high five!!
oh god. I'm REALLY nervous for the test on monday now.
One of my favorite quotes is:
Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it.  - V (my health teacher)
Actaully not this exact quote. What changed myself the most was the explanation behind it. I'm thinking this quote everytime I'm feeling down or I'm bored and think that there's nothing interesting to do...
SO FIRST, upcoming tests to prepare for (TEST FRENZY!!):
  1. AP Chem retakes!! - 11/23 or 11/24
  2. Mental Health exam - 11/23
  3. HIAP 4 Unit exam - 11/23
  4. Ap World Era Exam (MC & CCOT Essay) - 11/24
  5. Ap Chinese vocab test - 11/24
yikes, another test maniac week (upcoming...)
I'll be having my party on Sunday...IMSOEXCITED! Weee!~
Guest list: yina, rixing, rino, kevin, serena, richard, manning
I know Rix, Rino, and Kevin are coming for certain, but Manning hasn't given me a reply yet, Richard said he might come EDIT: nvm, he has sat prep so he can't come, Yina thinks it's too far so her parent's might not drive her here (but my parents can give her a ride), and Serena said she'll probably only drop by but can't stay because of her church...
aww. ok, not so excited anymore...I just had a sad moment because so many people I've invited said they couldn't come because of the time (it's on sunday). Because I actually followed the "2 week" rule for sending out invites (learning my lesson from my friend ji, on my birthday two years ago)... and it still doesn't work T.T Sorry that I can't invite to my house, you guys, but it's still only once in my life where I will be having my 16th birthday party, so please try to come if you can?

That wasn't actually going to be apart of this entry at all, but now I forget the main point I was trying to get to xDD Always, always. I think I might have a slight OCD for checking fb and my mail... Because I"m seriously checking my hotmail so compulsively right now (and in recent weeks) - like actually re-clicking on the "Inbox" tab every a couple of seconds or so - to see if my friends have rsvp-ed me on my birthday invitation reminders... omgomg ocd-ness!!
And another thing is that I finally got around the time to go to Staples with my mom and get those sheet protectors for organizing my binder (I'm really inspired by youtube makeup guru, Kalel Cullen aka QueenBeeuty) :) See that? I'm probably a secret OCD...
"Parents are so excited about the first steps and words of their children, but then they spend the next 17 years telling them to sit down and shut up."
 - oh WOW this quote is so true and so ironic

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Most Touching Songs. And More Lists...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Songs that Touched Me a Lot:
Ashita ga Kurunara
Lovely Day
Without A Word
Hana Kagari
Just One Day
What Do I Do
Tian Xia Wu Shuang
Ni Zui Jin Hai Hao Ma
Why Can't I
Ai Nante
Fate Reverse
Heaven on Earth
Love Together
Because I Am Stupid
How Did It Turn Out That way
Do You Know
Just Fly
Wo Yao De Fei Xiang
A Wound In The Heart
Pretty Boy
Akai Ito
Heavenly Days
Xing Guang
How I Wish
I Can Only Love You
Because of You
Yin Yin Zhuo Tong
Starlit Fairytale
My Personal Angel
Give Me Your Love
Part-time Actor
Prisoner of Love
Shaken World
Tomorrow's way
Too Much
With Me
Mistake to Fall In Love With You
Say It Right
Nation of Yellow People
Beautiful Soul
Heaven Is Wherever You Are
I Think I
Farewell Poem
Rainy Days
When The Snow Is falling
Why Did I Fall In Love With You
Xin li You Ni Pei Zhe Wo
Kill Wolf
Laurel Goddess
Tree of Love
Perhaps Love

(instrumentals that are most moving)
To Strangers
Must Be You
And while we are at this, let's take a look at some of the best mvs ever made (official ones, not fanmade)...
the most riveting, inspiring, life-altering...
Sweet Dream
I Love Him
Starlight Garden
Prisoner of Love
Easiest Songs To Cover:
  1. Leaf
  2. Say It Right
  3. I Really Want To Love Him
  4. FairyTale
  5. The Whole World Knows
Hardest Songs To Master (on pronounciation, rythum, lengthiness):
  1. Put on My Love
  2. Practical Joke
  3. So Hot
  4. Across The Coral Sea
  5. Upwind

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Film Reviews and Comedy lovers

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"This here, is a mental illness elclusively to people who live here in this state.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter."
me: (to myself) no wonder I got so unusually depressed when we moved here...
"I never knew this even had a name! lol, I thought it was just me not adapting well to the environment...ahahaha"
venny: ...
BIG tests on monday, starting with an ap world essay, then a math exam! Oh perfect, right after my birthday hangout... Not to mention, I'm not really too happy with the prospect of a new seating change in math class...I love my table partners...they're so nice and helpful and cooperate well T.T I was so lucky to have had them at my table...and I don't want to move to another group!! :(

So so so haha now for the main point of this entry...
3 film review sites I really like so far are Rotten Tomatoes, Twitch, and (also reviews dramas). A very large asian entertainment news site I recommend is AsianFanatics. and for discussing asian dramas, music, or beauty-related topics, definitely check out Soompi forums if you haven't already. Solely for beauty-related topics, go to FromHeadToToe and Bubzbeauty. Also included in my favorite up-to-date sites are mysoju, facebook, etc.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


MEME~ days... 11/17/09 START

Day 01 → Your favorite song

Day 02 → Your favorite movie

Day 03 → Your favorite television program

Day 04 → Your favorite book

Day 05 → Your favorite quote

Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy

Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad

Day 09 → A photo you took

Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago

Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently

Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 13 → A fictional book

Day 14 → A non-fictional book

Day 15 → A fanfic

Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 19 → A talent of yours

Day 20 → A hobbie of yours

Day 21 → A recipe

Day 22 → A website

Day 23 → A YouTube video

Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 25 → Your day, in great detail

Day 26 → Your week, in great detail

Day 27 → This month, in great detail

Day 28 → This year, in great detail

Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days

Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy

currently... omg I can't choose! Honestly...

Ting Bu Dao - Jasmine Leong, Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye, Across The Coral Sea - Milk@Coffee <3

Ting Bu Dao ~ very upbeat and catchy mandarin song, and it's sung by my new favorite singer, the famous Jasmine Leong!
Lovely Day ~ whoa. if you've heard of this heavenly pretty song from watching You're Beautiful and you haven't felt a strong addiction to it already, then you must be either insane...or INSANE. bc this song is so pretty and angelic and uplifting it's not even funny. I can still remember first hearing the beautiful soft voice of Park Shin Hye as the scene of GMN dreaming that she was in the garden (the one with all those statues of David, julian, etc) and the three GORGEOUS boys from A.N. JELL were posing beside the statues in a very sexy way...and then the girl sort-of just floats down to the ground and walks past the three guys, who all look at her in awe. . . so beautifully shot scene with this perfect matching song...
Across the Coral Sea ~ You can really feel the nostalgia with this one, it's a little hard to explain, but it's a little more that just nostalgia, it was also very meaningful and not laggy like some other songs are once they reach the middle of the song!
edit: ok, I know this is sort of cheating the meme because this is supposed to be my second day, but I just couldn't help adding one new favorite song that I JUST realised the name of (and it's from the drama Autumn's Concerto) >>> I Love Him - Ring Ding

I Love Him ~ title? can't see any creativity behind that...but the song was...asdfhjkll;!$#@_  AYE!
This might be one of those songs you might not realise that you like it until one time, the drama doesn't have it at the same time as the other times..then BANGYAH! You've discovered how much you loved that song :) I LOVE HIM was in every opening sequence of episodes in Autumn's Concerto, and I automatically replaced my previous song I was planning to sing in the ChengTsui Karaoke Contest with this one! It was just that good...And if you pair the amazing mv with the song, it'll be absolutely perfect. And the mv, I've already watched and rewatched a dozen times already because of the stunning shots in the field of flowers, so beautiful, a must see (and a 'must hear' too!)

My 1st Korean Lesson: singing and understanding You're Beautiful OST

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"You give awkward hugs bumbleberri"
"-.- I know that amanda, remember that time at rix's birthday..."
EDIT: Actually I found that watching a youtube video of a performance is so much better for a beginner because you can see the person's lip movements...this is similar to how a toddler imitates what his/her parents say by visually looking at how their mouths open and close...hey, lol I just did a great scientific analysis! haha...or not :P

Korean Songs I'm Going to Try to Tackle This Month:
If - Tae Yeon
Lucky - Ashily
I Think I - Byul
Perhaps Love - Howl & J
I'll Be There For You - Jang Nara
What Do I Do - Ji Sun
Just One Day - Kangta
Do You Know - Someday
Nobody - Wonder Girls
Remember Me - Lee Hyori
Without A Word - Park Shin Hye
Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye

Song Title : Without A Word (말 도 없 이)

Without A Word...Lovely Day...I'm gonna start learning korean!!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"...what?" *yawn*
"YOUR HAIR!! It's looks good straightened!"
"oh gee, thanks! I like it too :) "
Yup! I got my ghds yesterday!! :))) It was the prettiest thing ever...I kept on admiring just the box for a century...then I finally opened it, and told my dad to film the momentuous scene... which turned out awful because my brother kept on saying really stupid and annoying things to piss me off -_-
Like, I was soo excited, but my brother kept on butting in with random conversations like "omgomg u just said 'Oh my god' you have to say oh my gosh...ooh you just said a bad wordd..." etc etc...veryyy annoying  o.o It was hard for me to stay happy with him yacking his mouth off the whole time...
Anyways, so I stayed up until 2am again...yesterday... so I was more than a little tired when I got to school this morning. English class was fine, but by the 2nd period Ap Chem and 4th period Health class (aka a lot of lectures, well we had a guest persenter in health, and she was interesting, but still...)...omg I giving people the half-eyes (SLEEPY?!?) and half listening and half not even being able to hold my eyelids open..I was hecka tired. Some people, if you're like me, and you've practically NEVER slept any earlier than 11pm ever since the age of 3... you probably can get to high school and realising that your special talent for having good grades even when you just slept 3 hours the night before...DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE.
That's what I've found out. I always thought I was some amazingly smart person who can be lazy and still get good grades AND not be tired however less sleep I get (forgive me for sounding conceited, but it's the honest truth ppls!)... and this thing lasted from 1st grade to 7th grade (specifically, from 3rd grade to 6th grade). Then, I looked in the mirror one morning...and my face showed the effects of all these years of sleep-deprivation :( well it's not as bad as I'm describing probably..but I bet I would be 10000x healthier looking and energetic if I didn't skip so many years of sleep T.T
Here are the effects for me: tired, frowny looking face all the time, low-self esteem, slouchy, brain REALLY lacking concentration (tends to drown out lectures and other things unconsicously), short-term memory, have not grown an inch since 8th grade (and I KNOW sleep has to do with this..i mean, if I get like 3 hours per night..then yeah, it's not only genetics that affect your height). Also, My face is saggy a little bit now liek an old person, some cists on sides of my face, pimples not healing, sighing a lot for no reason, low immune system (thus, I sniff a lot now), no glow in complexion, sallow-looking face... Please, everyone, save yourself, don't be like me and stay up late... Go to sleep already!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dream Birthday....

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
my birthday...?
Yah!~ I'm 16 years old as of today :)
So in celebrating of that...I'll have tons of homework to finish from the morning to midnight??? Hopefully not. I'm totally going to get them done!! Whyyy didn't I do them yesterdayy when I had the time...
Okay, but whatever, after I"m done with this entry, I'll get them done, I promise!










Goodie Bags:
Chocopie, food-shaped erasers, milky way, jolly ranchers

Two Major British Hunks

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
I'm going to try getting some more sleep and also update this section for my next entries for thursday and friday cuz they've been so awesome!
Tomorrow's my birthday!! Weeee!~ But I have a billion homework junk to do...guh...

So as the title said, I'm going to talk about my two hugest British celebrity fandoms...and both are actually 19 years old this year and MAJOR hunks :)
Oh, and a funny thing I just realised after typign their names, their names both start with an A lol...

Okay, so first up, Alex Pettyfer!! ~say it right - nelly furtado

Born: 10 April 1990 (age 19), Hertfordshire, England
Height: 5' 11" (180 cm)

First Impression: Wild Child. His charisma was everywhere in that movie, and his voice is so dreamy!! Alex just has that boyish sexiness thing going on about him... I'm really looking forward to his upcoming romance movie Beastly! It's coming out in 2010...<3

Occupation: He's a british actor, also a model for various famous brands - most recently Burberry (I believe?)
Look out for: Beastly!! I don't care if it has Vanessa Hudgens in it...-.- So many people making a big deal about her, she's just an actress geez...give her a break. And Alex is still a major hunk in his new role as the beast, even though they did makeup on him to try to mask his gorgeousness :)

Next up....Aaron Johnson !! ~ Ultraviolet - The Still Daves

Born: 13 June 1990, (age 19) High Wycombe, England
Height: 5' 11" (180 cm)

First Impression: Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging ftw! He's the main love interest Robbie in it, and absolutely perfect - fit body (there's so many blog entries on this aspect haha), sweet boyish voice, and expressive eyes...the whole package!
Actually, that movie wasn't the first movie I've seen him real first impression of him was in The Thief Lord...and I secretly had a crush on him back then. A few months ago, I was addicted to the (wildly popular) korean drama Boys Before Flowers and found an interview where Lee Min Ho mentioned he looked up to the main actor of the Illusionist, so I went online and searched up the movie and found, surprisingly Aaron acting as the young illusionist, so of course I had to watch it. And it was funny because just yesterday, I noticed that the girl who played Jas from ATPS was Aaron's love interest in the Illusionist!! LOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Occupation: British actor also...duh! ;)

Look out for: Kick-Ass!! And also Nowhere Boy! I'm so excited for Aaron that he has had so many comebacks this year and hopefully even more for years to come..
And yes, I heard about his engagement with Sam taylor be honest, I was more than a little shocked, especially since I haven't heard about his return to movies until a few weeks ago. And honestly, hearing about his engagement to a woman more than twice his age is a little off-putting, but hey, actors have the personal life and their own decisions, so whatever he chooses in his relationships, we'll support him...

Anyways, I love this guy, and ATPS totally made it better!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bumbleberri's Official 2009-2011

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
Dramas To-Watch (masterlist)
  1. Schemes of A Beauty DROPPED
  2. Invincible Lee Pyung Kang DROPPED
  3. What Happened In Bali
  4. Summer of Bubbles DROPPED
  5. My Delightful Girl DROPPED
  6. Woman Who Still Wants To Marry
  7. Oh My Lady DROPPED
  8. Cinderella's Sister DROPPED
  9. Prosecutor Princess DROPPED
  10. Dulala's Promotion DROPPED
  11. Tsuki no Koibito DROPPED
  12. Kim Soo Ro DROPPED
  13. Coffee House DROPPED
  14. Meteor Shower 2 DROPPED
  15. Call of the Country COMPLETED!
  16. A Man Called God DROPPED
  17. Calling For Love COMPLETED!
  18. iPartment DROPPED
  19. Boku Dake no Madonna
  20. Playful Kiss
  21. Unubore Keiji DROPPED
  22. Tumbling DROPPED
  23. A Good Day for the Wind to Blow
  24. Mioka DROPPED
  25. Kimi wa Petto
  26. Unbeatable COMPLETED!
  27. Long Vacation DROPPED
  28. Orange Days DROPPED
  29. 9 End 2 Outs
  30. Heartlock Jade COMPLETED!
  31. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
  32. Mary Stayed Out All Night DROPPED
  33. Himitsu (w/ Shida Mirai) DROPPED
  34. Face Maker DROPPED
  35. Sungkyunkwan Scandal COMPLETED!
  36. Dream High
  37. Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta
  38. Puberty vs Menopause
 To-Watch (masterlist)
  1. Bi Sang DROPPED
  2. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 1/13/10
  3. Hana Mizuki
  4. Beastly
  5. Haeundae 6/19/10
  6. Gokusen THE MOVIE
  7. Speed Scandal
  8. April Bride
  9. Jeon Woo Chi 7/04/10
  10. Baby and Me DROPPED
  11. The Founding of A Republic DROPPED
  12. Angus, thongs, and Perfect Snogging 11/13/09
  13. New York, I Love You DROPPED
  14. Definitely, Maybe 12/24/09
  15. 500 Days of Summer DROPPED
  16. Where the Wild Things Are DROPPED
  17. The Notebook 11/24/10
  18. Level 7 Civil Servant
  19. Someday's Dreamers DROPPED
  20. The Proposal DROPPED
  21. Somebody Kissed Me
  22. Boku no Hatsukoi Kimi wo Sasagu  6/29/10
  23. Romantic Island DROPPED
  24. Pai Qiu Nu Jiang DROPPED
  25. Karate Kid 6/28/10
  26. Toy Story 3
  27. Killers DROPPED
  28. Knight and Day
  29. BALLAD 7/03/10
  30. Piecing Me Back Together DROPPED
  31. A Good Day for An Affair DROPPED
  32. Despicable Me
  33. Inception 7/22/10
  34. Ashita no Joe
  35. Changing Partners DATE NOT SURE
  36. The Proposal 10/13/10
  37. Under the Hawthorn Tree 11/06/10
  38. 10 Things I Hate About You 12/20/10
  39. Tangled
  40. Vantage Point 1/24/11
  41. Clean Slate 1/27/11
  42. Kimi ni Todoke
  43. Paradise Kiss

Monday, November 9, 2009

난 힘이 들때면 Lucky in my life...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
" you have a partner for the video EC yet?"
me *surprised* "oh..yeah, I do, but we're actually short of two people - do you?"
"no... I asked my friends from first period, but they said they already had -"
"OH! You mean Manning's group? xD"
"YEAH haha, I asked tiffany and she said 'yeah you can be in the group, and manning's technically not in the group' - but then I asked manning and she said 'yeah, i'm doing the project with tiffany and the others', so i don't know, I guess they do have 4 people.."
"LOL! I know, I'm sitting with their group in ap chem and tiffany just rants on about the video ec and all of a sudden says to me 'don't think of joining me and manning's group, we're already full" and I'm just like 'pssh..okay..I didn't say nothing' XD So do you want to join my group?"
"Sure..who's in your group?" "So far, it's just me and know rixing?" "no" "The tall tennis player asian girl...? nvm haha, so do you want to be in our group" "yeah!" "ok cool! So can you get another person in the group so we could have four?" "sure" "ok, great!" "So when should we meet..?" "Umm jsut whenever everyoen has time I guess..." "So I'll fb you then" "yeah!"
*** first of all I'd like to mention...can you guess which song i put for the title of this post?
I actually have more than that to say today, because I had NO IDEA today was going to turn out this good! Considering I slept at around 2 am yesterday night - not finishing ap world notes, not studying for english CITR multiple-choice test, and worrying about not being able to do the video ec with anyone (you get 40+ pts maximum...that'd definitely help out my math grade)
I woke up rather late, since I sleep late, at 6:30 am. Still got twenty minutes to do a portion of my ap world notes...hurriedly ate my toast (w/ straberry jam) and jumped in the car, thinking I was going to be late...
...And found out I actually arrived early - well not early, but I came into the classroom a few minutes before the bell rang. Aced the english test with flying colors (lol all to my hours of dedicated reading!)... though I got zeros for two undone pages of my motifs..I didn't know we had to do them on the student pages! meh..
Ap chem... nothing except I mostly did my ap world notes hw through that class (no one really cares in the class anyways, and there's long periods of time when the ap chem teacher isn't doing anything)
Ap world..I THOUGHT we had to finish the notes..but...apparently, I rushed them for nothing, like my friend said all along, but it did gave me a breath of relief...
Health! omg, so funny when venny rushed ahead of me to go to health class only IN THE WRONG DIRECTION (but i didn't get fooled haha), I had a good laugh over that one...but she remembered to give me the grape jollies, so I gave her a break after that hehe :D And we watched a movie on cliques/peer pressure..etc.
Lunch, I spent the most part of the time trying to convince rix that she should call me by my real name xD
Ap Chinese...another nothing-to-do IN A GOOD WAY hour of class! Michael really really surprised me (and the class) to hear him singing so pro in his Rainbow song recording. lol pressuring him to sing live was fun :D and we had another fun sing-along song (which the actual presenters did not even sing, u cheaters ;) which I sang along to...
French class...great! (haha, i just want to mention the highlights so to save space and not to have to put this under a cut!)
Math...omg I was so scared to present my group's math problem poster today, but THAT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN TODAY HAHA! And the awesome day-brightener was yina coming up to ME and asking if I had a group because I was afraid to ask her (or anyone else) in case they already have a group or something...And I even raised my hand on whim and got a question the math teacher asked our class! Aww but from the random group is AGAIN the group that will be presenting tomorrow...tough luck man lol

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Guitar, Freebies, and GHDs

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"WOO! Lisa, most of you guys who listen to her songs may know her as aozorafantasii from youtube, she is so amazing!! She's doing live mini-concerts in Japan right as I write this! I first knew about this person about a year back, and I watched her sing Eternally on YouTube, then DBSK's Why did I Fall In Love With You...she was like the first chinese person that I knew of to sing and pronounce Japanese so accurately and well (sort of like me lol, except my singing isn't as good as hers) amazing! And with her trusty guitar, she is unstoppable! And just now, I watched her video where she finally makes a vlog in english to her viewers/listeners, and she talks about how she graduated from uc berkley and coming to japan to teach english (and as a side-hobby, to perform songs)... seriously, she's such an inspiration to me...I feel that she's someone who have the ability to achieve their goals, and I want to be someone who can too.. ^^ that was a long quote btw haha"
--- Okay, so it's almost my sixteenth birthday, and I'm admitting it's pretty exciting for me, especially since in today's culture, the sweet sixteenth is supposed to be THE birthday for a girl - yeah...not too sure what the deal with that is, it's like girls aren't going to celebrate their birthdays after this one or something...I would never think that I'm too old for birthdays lol but maybe that's just me :D
And I've already planned out how my birthday is going to go already & invitations & b-day favors and everything xD maybe I should go be a birthday planner if there is such job lol, I'm totally into planning for birthdays and making lists, but ironically, my room is a total mess and I only clean it up once a month...

a typical sweet sixteenth party arrangement? (smth my parents would NEVER agree

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oppa...I Found Your Baby Pics and You Are The Cutest, I'll Admit it...

Guess who this is??? ^____________^

IT'S GEUN SUK OPPA! Lolll I can't believe myself..I'm actually using korean words to try to be cute like all those other fandom peoples...shame on me hahaha jk jk, no offence people! I'm joking around...

Out of all the asian celebrities I've seen, Jang Geun Suk has definitely got to be the most adorable one when he was a kid (yes, even more so than one of my top favorite korean guys, Kim Bum!)...Yamapi would share number 1 with him though..cuz they're both uber gorgeous!!! Omg, I'm glancing back at his picture as I'm typing this (especially the right one)... this is seriously the sweetest smile from any celebrity guys I've ever seen! CUUTEE XD haha and I can't even stop saying cuuuteeee either! cuute cute cute cute cute
I'm sorry to whoever is reading this..but it's just one of those pictures that you can't stop saying AWW at, because it's just too love-worthy :D Okay, I'll stop now. NO! cute cute cute cute handsome handsome handsome gorgeous gorgeous don't you guys just love this?


Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"I'm doomed for this test...seriously, amanda, I only got Japan and China down cuz I slept at 3 am"
"what?? Why'd you stay up so late? Ap World homework doesn't take THAT long!"
glancing on test paper/packet during the ap world test...
"There's only 3 QUESTIONS on vietnam and like 6 for Korea! YESS...HAHAHA!"
manning: *stare*
"Oh rix, try some of this!"
"...what are these?" "Umm well they're preserved fish strips..they're really yummy.."
"okies.. *chomps*" "mm...ohh they ARE good!" "yeah!" "so what are they called?" "FISHSNACKS"

Oh my, how adorable is this?? Hana Mizuki - MIZUKI?? REMINDERS OF HANA-KIMI haha
It's a freshly-confirmed J-movie starring Aragaki Yui and Ikuta Toma :D

I love Gakky...I love Toma...and now they have a movie project together?? <3333 NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY HAHA I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jang Geun Suk, Saranghae!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"what's the straightener you use?" "I use a CHI" "Oh, do you know about the GHD? I heard it's really good" "What's a GHD?"
"OMG. WHAT...HOW CAN THESE THREE GUYS...WHOA..totally putting my own music video to shame! So pro!!" "great voices, talented pianist, gorgeous camera shots, advanced editing technology..FREAKIN AMAZING..I'm so jealous.."
Movies that interest me in RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT:
Chengdu, I Love You - Gao Yuan Yuan and this korean actor
Late Autumn - Hyun Bin & Tang Wei collaboration!?!
I was really really excited yesterday at 2 am approximately...if you're wondering WHAT THE HECK IS SHE DOING UP AT 2 IN THE MORNING, lol I can explain. Apparently, I got overly excited about the music project that was due today, the chinese MUSIC VIDEO, to be exact. But y'all know what I'm like - I'm crazyyy about filming and things that have to do with filming mvs, short movies, etc... such as video editing :D Trust me, you have NOT seen me editing my past chinese videos... I was INSANE with the editing. For instance, in my last music video we had to film for a chinese culture project, we did Recipe for Egg Tarts with animal puppets, and I spent a total of 5 HOURS combing through that footage and putting it together. No, I'm serious. Either I'm OCD about getting every part of a footage perfect, or I should just get a career for this kind of thing. You pick :)
So ANYWAYS... here's the finished product of the chinese mv!
I'm quite proud of myself on this one...happy watching!~

Some freebies
My Past Websites (some are pretty...awkward to watch...but give me a break! I was only a kid back then ;))
1. forgot where it is now, but it was on Freewebs
2. Celestial Waltz
3. Forbidden Oasis
4. Celestial Waltz
5. Forbidden Oasis

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Busy Busy Busy...

Hi! Two posts on the same day ahahahaha... :D

Yes, I'm actually really busy today, but whatevers lol, I'm really not going to bother with it... I'm getting way too caught up with school and everything; test retakes for AP chem, chinese music video project, writing a DBQ essay for AP world tomorrow... guhh, no please!
What else is new?
Look, I haven't even gotten anytime for creativity anymore, or cleaning up my very unclean room, or anything other than homework, studying for tests, or more studying... OH RIGHT. I just remembered my group in AP world also decided to do a Ibn Battuta movie (which I'm directing, so gonna work on that with them), and another thing is that I'm going to have to find time to help my friend Rino with her chinese music video as well (maybe even guest-star in it!)..that would be fun I guess, since I like filming/making movies and stuff like that..but I don't know... still feeling pretty busy XD Especially since I have no idea what to do for my sweet sixteenth birthday coming up in a couple of weeks!  I really want to go somewhere special with my friends this time :D If only my birthday was in the beginning of the year, so that I would have a bit more time to invite people and stuff! (beginning of year = jan/feb = after winter break in school)

blahblahblah... but either way, I definitely can't get out of it this week at least.. T.T WHY OH WHY.
Time to prepare for my birthday party! LOL j/k...homeworkisfirstpriorityhomeworkisfirstpriorityhomeworkisfirstpriority...SEE THAT? I'm totally being brainwashed by my teachers!! eeks...

My first post! dadum livejournal, and all my past blogs ramblings...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
" OMG THE AP CHEM TEST OMG THE AP CHEM TEST!...oh it's the video announcements! Whoa, isn't that HELEN from my chinese class last year! lol, cool!"
So I can't believe I'm starting yet another blog, I have like a wordpress and a livejournal one already (not to mention FB, twitter, youtube channel). But it's just so tempting after I saw so many awesome ones out there like nomanymore, frmheadtotoe, and lots of youtube makeup gurus I subscribe to - they all use blogspot, so today, I got back from school early, so I just thought I might try one out on Blogspot..and here it is! lol

I do like how this is so simple to navigate and personalize, I mean, livejournal gives you tons of room for personalizing, but I find that I've posted only occasionally - like splurges - you know what I mean? Like I'm on hiatus for 3 weeks or so, and all of a sudden - BAM BOOM BONG (?!? xD) I squeeze in there 5 posts in 10 minutes! I guess maybe it's just the small, cluttered looking space LJ gives you to post in; TOO MANY options given to you at once before you publish (so it consumes a whole lot of time to just choose them)...and then there's the Lj cuts - acutally no haha that's one thing I actually LOVE about livejournal, forget about that. Hmm I don't know... I'll get back to this topic lol...