Sunday, November 8, 2009

Guitar, Freebies, and GHDs

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"WOO! Lisa, most of you guys who listen to her songs may know her as aozorafantasii from youtube, she is so amazing!! She's doing live mini-concerts in Japan right as I write this! I first knew about this person about a year back, and I watched her sing Eternally on YouTube, then DBSK's Why did I Fall In Love With You...she was like the first chinese person that I knew of to sing and pronounce Japanese so accurately and well (sort of like me lol, except my singing isn't as good as hers) amazing! And with her trusty guitar, she is unstoppable! And just now, I watched her video where she finally makes a vlog in english to her viewers/listeners, and she talks about how she graduated from uc berkley and coming to japan to teach english (and as a side-hobby, to perform songs)... seriously, she's such an inspiration to me...I feel that she's someone who have the ability to achieve their goals, and I want to be someone who can too.. ^^ that was a long quote btw haha"
--- Okay, so it's almost my sixteenth birthday, and I'm admitting it's pretty exciting for me, especially since in today's culture, the sweet sixteenth is supposed to be THE birthday for a girl - yeah...not too sure what the deal with that is, it's like girls aren't going to celebrate their birthdays after this one or something...I would never think that I'm too old for birthdays lol but maybe that's just me :D
And I've already planned out how my birthday is going to go already & invitations & b-day favors and everything xD maybe I should go be a birthday planner if there is such job lol, I'm totally into planning for birthdays and making lists, but ironically, my room is a total mess and I only clean it up once a month...

a typical sweet sixteenth party arrangement? (smth my parents would NEVER agree

And I'm really excited for the birthday freebies! I never knew you could get free icecream or a lipgloss set as a gift on your birthday just for registrating onto online versions of beauty/food shops! wheee!~
I registered on Sephora's Beauty Insider and on Cold Stone and I'm psyched for the 3 lipgloss set and a free icecream creation hahaha lemme think... how's Coffee ice cream + brownies/whopper's malted balls? Or maybe French Vanilla ice cream + strawberries combo? hehe xD
I totally got addicted to the 'original creations' for icecreams idea ever since Boys Before Flowers when the girls were at a Baskin Robbins icecream place and there were close up scenes of the icecream creations - with the spoon flipping, the jam squirting, chocolate chunks smashed into the icecream mmmm! Just writing about that makes me crave for some icecream! I've been to Cold Stone once, actually, one week ago, and got a small size Coffee icecream creation (forgot the name?)...yeah, Cold Stone icecream is a little expensive for just a small cup of icecream...but whatever, it's free on your birthday, so why not grab the chance, right?

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention... I'm getting a GHD hair straightener for my birthday present!! I can't believe my parents actually agreed to it...they are usually strictly money-savers (typical asian parents, duh) and would not even spend more than $20 for clothes/hair products/food you name it! And now don't get me wrong, I'm also pretty much a money-saver (thanks to my parents lol), but I figured that my sixteenth birthday has to be a little more special than the rest right?
So onto the thing about the GHD, so I got the limited edition light pink one, the IV styler that comes with a few other bonus items and donates to the breast cancer association... I decided to get my GHD from Sephora, and yup, it's because of the extra 100 pt bonus items that you are entitled to get after you buy $100 from the store. So the GHD (including tax) was about $280, but in turn, I also got 2 100pt items to choose from, and one clutch from their daily/weekly can see I'm definitely a freebie freak^^
  • J'adore perfume by Dior (sample size)
  • NARS face primer (sample size)
  • *** Two-Faced Shaodw Insurance (sample size) - i might use my remaining 100 pts for this
  • silver clutch with 8 samples
Yepps! I <3 big surprise packages, like remember the one Yi Ping got at her Christmas party in the drama Romance In The Rain? I won't spoil it, but that was an amazing surpise for her and Qiong Yao - kudos for you for thinking of the idea! Okay, joking aside, I found a video of a woman opening up her first package of GHDs and - I love it when people open their makeup/haul packages as they make the video for us Youtubers since it gives us the excitement of anticipating the contents of the package too...woot!

ahh whoa, I just realied how long I've made this post, so I'll just end here! :) Have a great day everyone!

ps..waiting for my ghd hairstraightener package... ;D I'll do a post for the package for you guys once I recieve it!

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