Monday, November 9, 2009

난 힘이 들때면 Lucky in my life...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
" you have a partner for the video EC yet?"
me *surprised* "oh..yeah, I do, but we're actually short of two people - do you?"
"no... I asked my friends from first period, but they said they already had -"
"OH! You mean Manning's group? xD"
"YEAH haha, I asked tiffany and she said 'yeah you can be in the group, and manning's technically not in the group' - but then I asked manning and she said 'yeah, i'm doing the project with tiffany and the others', so i don't know, I guess they do have 4 people.."
"LOL! I know, I'm sitting with their group in ap chem and tiffany just rants on about the video ec and all of a sudden says to me 'don't think of joining me and manning's group, we're already full" and I'm just like 'pssh..okay..I didn't say nothing' XD So do you want to join my group?"
"Sure..who's in your group?" "So far, it's just me and know rixing?" "no" "The tall tennis player asian girl...? nvm haha, so do you want to be in our group" "yeah!" "ok cool! So can you get another person in the group so we could have four?" "sure" "ok, great!" "So when should we meet..?" "Umm jsut whenever everyoen has time I guess..." "So I'll fb you then" "yeah!"
*** first of all I'd like to mention...can you guess which song i put for the title of this post?
I actually have more than that to say today, because I had NO IDEA today was going to turn out this good! Considering I slept at around 2 am yesterday night - not finishing ap world notes, not studying for english CITR multiple-choice test, and worrying about not being able to do the video ec with anyone (you get 40+ pts maximum...that'd definitely help out my math grade)
I woke up rather late, since I sleep late, at 6:30 am. Still got twenty minutes to do a portion of my ap world notes...hurriedly ate my toast (w/ straberry jam) and jumped in the car, thinking I was going to be late...
...And found out I actually arrived early - well not early, but I came into the classroom a few minutes before the bell rang. Aced the english test with flying colors (lol all to my hours of dedicated reading!)... though I got zeros for two undone pages of my motifs..I didn't know we had to do them on the student pages! meh..
Ap chem... nothing except I mostly did my ap world notes hw through that class (no one really cares in the class anyways, and there's long periods of time when the ap chem teacher isn't doing anything)
Ap world..I THOUGHT we had to finish the notes..but...apparently, I rushed them for nothing, like my friend said all along, but it did gave me a breath of relief...
Health! omg, so funny when venny rushed ahead of me to go to health class only IN THE WRONG DIRECTION (but i didn't get fooled haha), I had a good laugh over that one...but she remembered to give me the grape jollies, so I gave her a break after that hehe :D And we watched a movie on cliques/peer pressure..etc.
Lunch, I spent the most part of the time trying to convince rix that she should call me by my real name xD
Ap Chinese...another nothing-to-do IN A GOOD WAY hour of class! Michael really really surprised me (and the class) to hear him singing so pro in his Rainbow song recording. lol pressuring him to sing live was fun :D and we had another fun sing-along song (which the actual presenters did not even sing, u cheaters ;) which I sang along to...
French class...great! (haha, i just want to mention the highlights so to save space and not to have to put this under a cut!)
Math...omg I was so scared to present my group's math problem poster today, but THAT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN TODAY HAHA! And the awesome day-brightener was yina coming up to ME and asking if I had a group because I was afraid to ask her (or anyone else) in case they already have a group or something...And I even raised my hand on whim and got a question the math teacher asked our class! Aww but from the random group is AGAIN the group that will be presenting tomorrow...tough luck man lol

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