Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Busy Busy Busy...

Hi! Two posts on the same day ahahahaha... :D

Yes, I'm actually really busy today, but whatevers lol, I'm really not going to bother with it... I'm getting way too caught up with school and everything; test retakes for AP chem, chinese music video project, writing a DBQ essay for AP world tomorrow... guhh, no please!
What else is new?
Look, I haven't even gotten anytime for creativity anymore, or cleaning up my very unclean room, or anything other than homework, studying for tests, or more studying... OH RIGHT. I just remembered my group in AP world also decided to do a Ibn Battuta movie (which I'm directing, so gonna work on that with them), and another thing is that I'm going to have to find time to help my friend Rino with her chinese music video as well (maybe even guest-star in it!)..that would be fun I guess, since I like filming/making movies and stuff like that..but I don't know... still feeling pretty busy XD Especially since I have no idea what to do for my sweet sixteenth birthday coming up in a couple of weeks!  I really want to go somewhere special with my friends this time :D If only my birthday was in the beginning of the year, so that I would have a bit more time to invite people and stuff! (beginning of year = jan/feb = after winter break in school)

blahblahblah... but either way, I definitely can't get out of it this week at least.. T.T WHY OH WHY.
Time to prepare for my birthday party! LOL j/k...homeworkisfirstpriorityhomeworkisfirstpriorityhomeworkisfirstpriority...SEE THAT? I'm totally being brainwashed by my teachers!! eeks...

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