Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My first post! dadum livejournal, and all my past blogs ramblings...

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
" OMG THE AP CHEM TEST OMG THE AP CHEM TEST!...oh it's the video announcements! Whoa, isn't that HELEN from my chinese class last year! lol, cool!"
So I can't believe I'm starting yet another blog, I have like a wordpress and a livejournal one already (not to mention FB, twitter, youtube channel). But it's just so tempting after I saw so many awesome ones out there like nomanymore, frmheadtotoe, and lots of youtube makeup gurus I subscribe to - they all use blogspot, so today, I got back from school early, so I just thought I might try one out on Blogspot..and here it is! lol

I do like how this is so simple to navigate and personalize, I mean, livejournal gives you tons of room for personalizing, but I find that I've posted only occasionally - like splurges - you know what I mean? Like I'm on hiatus for 3 weeks or so, and all of a sudden - BAM BOOM BONG (?!? xD) I squeeze in there 5 posts in 10 minutes! I guess maybe it's just the small, cluttered looking space LJ gives you to post in; TOO MANY options given to you at once before you publish (so it consumes a whole lot of time to just choose them)...and then there's the Lj cuts - acutally no haha that's one thing I actually LOVE about livejournal, forget about that. Hmm I don't know... I'll get back to this topic lol...

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