Sunday, November 22, 2009

birthday party a success??

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
The party was all in all pretty awesome, not without a couple of -.- moments though...
I did this really cool retro 80's look; a strapless dress paired with my mom's black 80s jacket paired with some black tights... :)
Then we picked up Kevin and later, Cissy from the library...raining raining raining....
We finally arrived at the restaurant... trudging up the doorsteps...inside finally! We waited for my dad to park the car somewhere, and we looked around the elegant-looking place...
Then a lady came over and said that we entered from the wrong door o.o
She told us to wait over by the benches next to the cashier place, and my dad came in, and asked about the regristration..turns out I can't even have a birthday party NOT on the same exact day as my birthday or else we don't get their 'free birthday meal' offer - WHAT. They said it was ok when I called their restaurant a couple days ago to get reservations. O.O
But anyways, the sushi selections were amazing, though I didn't get to try their hot entrees (chinese dishes) but I loved those little samples of different cakes! i only tried a couple though - like their strawberry delight WHICH WAS YUMMY.

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