Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Without A Word...Lovely Day...I'm gonna start learning korean!!

Bumbleberri's drama of the day...
"...what?" *yawn*
"YOUR HAIR!! It's looks good straightened!"
"oh gee, thanks! I like it too :) "
Yup! I got my ghds yesterday!! :))) It was the prettiest thing ever...I kept on admiring just the box for a century...then I finally opened it, and told my dad to film the momentuous scene... which turned out awful because my brother kept on saying really stupid and annoying things to piss me off -_-
Like, I was soo excited, but my brother kept on butting in with random conversations like "omgomg u just said 'Oh my god' you have to say oh my gosh...ooh you just said a bad wordd..." etc etc...veryyy annoying  o.o It was hard for me to stay happy with him yacking his mouth off the whole time...
Anyways, so I stayed up until 2am again...yesterday... so I was more than a little tired when I got to school this morning. English class was fine, but by the 2nd period Ap Chem and 4th period Health class (aka a lot of lectures, well we had a guest persenter in health, and she was interesting, but still...)...omg I giving people the half-eyes (SLEEPY?!?) and half listening and half not even being able to hold my eyelids open..I was hecka tired. Some people, if you're like me, and you've practically NEVER slept any earlier than 11pm ever since the age of 3... you probably can get to high school and realising that your special talent for having good grades even when you just slept 3 hours the night before...DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE.
That's what I've found out. I always thought I was some amazingly smart person who can be lazy and still get good grades AND not be tired however less sleep I get (forgive me for sounding conceited, but it's the honest truth ppls!)... and this thing lasted from 1st grade to 7th grade (specifically, from 3rd grade to 6th grade). Then, I looked in the mirror one morning...and my face showed the effects of all these years of sleep-deprivation :( well it's not as bad as I'm describing probably..but I bet I would be 10000x healthier looking and energetic if I didn't skip so many years of sleep T.T
Here are the effects for me: tired, frowny looking face all the time, low-self esteem, slouchy, brain REALLY lacking concentration (tends to drown out lectures and other things unconsicously), short-term memory, have not grown an inch since 8th grade (and I KNOW sleep has to do with this..i mean, if I get like 3 hours per night..then yeah, it's not only genetics that affect your height). Also, My face is saggy a little bit now liek an old person, some cists on sides of my face, pimples not healing, sighing a lot for no reason, low immune system (thus, I sniff a lot now), no glow in complexion, sallow-looking face... Please, everyone, save yourself, don't be like me and stay up late... Go to sleep already!

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