Friday, July 23, 2010

Movie Review: Love In Cosmo《摇摆de婚约》

Yes, I've finally gotten around to doing my first..ever. Full-length movie review.

Love in Cosmo, a pretty sweet and short 90 minute film, starrs Yao Chen and Zhu Yu Chen.
In a nutshell, Shun (Yao Chen), a stylish editor of Cosmo magazine is with fiance two-timer. One morning, she jumps on top of a stranger on her fiance two-timer's bed, hoping to surprise him. He finally lets go of the covers and upon realising a complete stranger, she whacks him with her hair dryer and screams. This stranger turns out to be Jun Hao (Zhu Yu Chen's character!), her fiance's best bud who has no where to stay. Soon after, Shun gets demoted to work as a warehouse admin and her fiance dumps her. In begins Shun and Jun Hao's wacky relationship as pretend husband and wife!

Yao Chen  - Shun Jia
Zhu Yu Chen - Jun Hao
Guo Xiao Dong - the two-timing fiance

The title, with it's creative pinyin insert of 'de' set this movie apart from the others I looked at. Also, the movie poster's unique design was really attractive, bright splashes of color and character placements.
Now, on to the plot. At the start, I found the story a bit unbelievable. Mules in photoshoots running amok.
 Not like the unbelievablilty level of Sophie's Revenge, but definitely not grounded in realism. The movie director did nicely blend in time lapses at appropriate times, and I applaude that as a viewer because without them, Love in Cosmo would have dragged on unbearably. Finishing the whole film would have been a strenuous task. In addition to that, I liked the gorgeous, vibrance of the rooms. That definitely gave a touch of Sophie's Revenge, where everything in the background were given special care - from the wonderful shot scenery, to the beautiful decorated bedrooms. Never forgotten are Yu H
ao's 'making of his famous Tom Cookies'. The way the movie shows the process to you is just...delectable, irresistable. And I don't even like jam-filled cookies. So cinematography of Love in Cosmo was pure eye candy. Nicely done.
And what about our heroine? Yao Chen portrayed Shun Jia effortlessly and convincing. Somehow the only real way to describe her is a smack between sophistication and Hikari (from hotaru no hikari). I found watching Shun Jia very enjoyable with her genuine laughs, spunky personality, and her ability to make the most mundane moments entertaining. As for Yu Chen's Jun Hao, loved it. I have no words but praise for him. Fun, easy-going, and a hilarious character, similar to his role in his previous mainland hit-drama, Who Controls My Youth. The chemistry these two characters had was also decent - forgive me for being biased to him and Wang Luo Dan as a pair - and they pulled it off again... effortlessly. This is a romance flick that I'll remember for it's vibrant, high-fashion visuals. Shun Jia is a slim, fashionable, animated-girl-come-to-life. And of course we'll always remember the two, laughing like crazy and playing their own version of truth and dare with soda cans...giggling so loud their building neighbor came storming through the door (in pjs) in the middle of the night... good times.

This movie is recommended!! A fun ride. Two words: fashionable and artsy.

PS. Apologises for making my first movie review one of the shortest ever! I spent too long trying to find the right words to put out what I honestly thought of this film hehhe :)

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