Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What I would get if I had the money...

Aka What I would want if I was rich enough to not care about my spending. This is a just for fun thing so that I won't get bored. Heh. Yes, they are all material items, I'm not going to write a list like this just to add in 'honesty' and 'reliableness' and all the other crap that I've seen other people blog about... because this is in fact, a material items entry - so I'm going to be direct about it. Plus, I'm not actually asking people to get them for me...
This list is going to look like a wishlist, and I'll have another entry coming right up, and that one is going to be 'If I get rich...' (basically me listing out all of the things I would accomplish for my family, friends, etc).

1. Hermes scarf - after seeing a hk video called Seven Ways to Wear a Hermes Scarf, the halter top looked so luxurious and pretty on the model that I'm falling in love with Hermes a little too! Actually I might not want to get it myself, I'll have a guy get it for me. Puahaha.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro - yes haha, I totally would!! So expensive, but going to be so worth it since I love video editing and I dedicate a lot of time with it. Might as well get Adobe After Effects too, while I'm at it.

3. Unlimited supply of Red Mango - just the original frozen yogurts will do. I will definitely. Get. Them. In. LARGE. Size. Never going to go cheap again. That is, if I were rich, of course.

4. Porsche - porsche cars are absolutely my favorite type of cars. I'm not even that interested in cars, but porsches are just adorable.

5. Airplane tickets to Japan and a personal tour guide - because I love japan. Culture-wise, Drama-wise, Shopping-wise. Oh, while we're on that, I'd like to go shopping at their famous Shibuya 101 location and not be afraid to buy all those pricey cute clothing!

6. The Canon XH A1 - entry level, prosumer video camera!! FOSHO.

7. A luxurious, big shower room with a large shelf - Claustrophobic me. Plus it would be nice if it could come with a soft, fluffy rug so that whenever I step out of the shower, I'd not have to step on the cold, bare floor. Or accidentally slip because the floor's too slippery wet.

8. A library of 'self-advice' books. Or a library of marketing advice books. Love em.

9. My own tennis courts! I'm starting to enjoy tennis a lot, but oftentimes, I don't want to go all the way to the public tennis courts so that I can play two hours of tennis with so many people watching. You know?

10. Personal tutor. Personal trainer (workout person). Personal dessert cooker. If there's such a thing.

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