Sunday, July 18, 2010

What I love to do...

I'm just on a roll with blog posts aren't I? Here, I'm going to talk about the three main things I love doing, and how I think they relate to what I'd like to do a few years from now. Yes, I'm talking about future careers.

1) I love traveling, learning about other cultures, and languages. I love messing with the World Clock converter to see what people from (for instance) Beijing would be doing It's always exciting when my family plan summer/winter trips to somewhere far from where we live, I think exotic. Culture-wise, I think I would love travelling to Beijing, Tokyo, and Paris... Especially Beijing and Tokyo because both are filled with asians, kind of nostalgic for me personally, and around every street corner, you see handsome asian hunks or a random celebrity poster stuck to a bus stop post. Also, I love the building structures... apartments inside big buildings, the nearby convenience stores selling icecream, the street vendors with their street snackage...

2) I love directing people and telling them how they should feel when they are in one character or the other. Related to this, I also enjoy recording videos of all my memories with my family and friends. Plus, I edit my own videos as professionally as possible, with the given materials and softwares. I would go online and find all the possible tutorials when I want to create a specific video effect, and then go download a trial version of a software that I get recommended. Then, I would spend hours and hours perfecting my video so that the end product would always make me proud.

3) I love designing innovative posters and creating crafts out of what I have. Often, my school projects turn out very decent, even if I procrastinate until the night before to do them. One of the best memories of school, for me, was fourth grade when all the kids were participating in our Econ fair - and my buddies and I grouped together to create an innovative toy to sell to the 3rd and 2nd graders.

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